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Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods, Second Edition (Statistics: Textbooks and Monograms)
Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods, Second Edition (Statistics: Textbooks and Monograms)
Since publication of the first edition in 1992, the field of survey sampling has grown considerably. This new edition of Survey Sampling: Theory and Methods has been updated to include the latest research and the newest methods. The authors have undertaken the daunting task of surveying the sampling literature of the past few decades to provide an...
Introducing Character Animation with Blender
Introducing Character Animation with Blender

Open your mind to the possibilities

Let this in-depth professional book be your guide to Blender, the powerful open-source 3D modeling and animation software that will bring your ideas to life. Using clear step-by-step instruction and pages of real-world examples from talented Blender users, expert...

Digital Design and Implementation with Field Programmable Devices
Digital Design and Implementation with Field Programmable Devices
The focus of Digital Design and Implementation with Field Programmable Devices is on a practical knowledge of digital system design for programmable devices. The book covers all necessary topics under one cover, and covers each topic just enough that is actually used by an advanced digital designer. The book is broken into three...
Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios
Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios
Build real-world, end-to-end network monitoring solutions with Nagios


This is the definitive guide to building low-cost, enterprise-strength monitoring infrastructures with Nagios, the world’s leading open source monitoring tool. Network monitoring specialist David...

Figure Drawing with Virtual Models: Getting the Most Out of Poser Artist
Figure Drawing with Virtual Models: Getting the Most Out of Poser Artist
Welcome to Figure Drawing with Virtual Models: Getting the Most Out of Poser Figure Artist. This book is intended to be your guide to the use of virtual models as a reference tool for the creation of works of art. Recent advancements in technology have made it possible for artists to have good-quality figure reference at their fingertips almost...
Digital Design of Nature: Computer Generated Plants and Organics (X.media.publishing)
Digital Design of Nature: Computer Generated Plants and Organics (X.media.publishing)
What is computer graphics and what are the conceptual tasks of research in this area? To the average person the term still conveys more or less the design of logos and the manipulation of pictures with the help of image-editing programs. However, during the past four decades, computer graphics has evolved into an innovative multifaceted field of...
Handbook of Geometric Computing: Applications in Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neuralcomputing, and Robotics
Handbook of Geometric Computing: Applications in Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neuralcomputing, and Robotics
Many computer scientists, engineers, applied mathematicians, and physicists use geometry theory and geometric computing methods in the design of perception-action systems, intelligent autonomous systems, and man-machine interfaces. This handbook brings together the most recent advances in the application of geometric computing for building such...
Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications
Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications
Advances in networking and computing technologies, and software tools have resulted in an explosive growth in applications and information services that influence all aspects of our life. These sophisticated applications and services are complex, heterogeneous, and dynamic. Further, the underlying information infrastructure (e.g., the Internet)...
Multicomponent Mass Transfer (Wiley Series in Chemical Engineering)
Multicomponent Mass Transfer (Wiley Series in Chemical Engineering)
Chemical engineers frequently have to deal with multicomponent mixtures; that is, systems containing three or more species. Conventional approaches to mass transfer in multicomponent mixtures are based on an assumption that the transfer flux of each component is proportional to its own driving force. Such approaches are valid for certain special...
Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Business Solutions)
Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Business Solutions)
“If you’ve never quite grasped formulas and functions, Paul McFedries will radically expand your understanding and use of Excel. And if you’re already an expert and you’re moving up to Excel 2007, this book will quickly show you features you’ve only dreamed of until now...”


Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired Technologies
Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired Technologies
Imagine a smart microchip that is buried in the ground for a long time. Upon certain triggering conditions this chip begins to grow and consume materials from its surroundings, converting them into energy and structural cells. As the chip grows further, it reconfigures its shape to become a mobile robot. Using its recently created mobility, the...
Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide
Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide
Perl Power! provides programmers with a learning and reference resource on Perl. All readers will find tutorials that utilize a ?learn by doing? approach that they can work from as soon as they get the book home. The tutorials build upon each other throughout the book until a level of expertise is reached. All chapters offer complete programs to...
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