 Zope BibleThis comprehensive Bible for Web Developers, Web Architects, and Content Managers covers everything you need to build Web sites with Zope, the leading Open Source Web application platform.
Covers all you need to build Web sites with Zope, the leading Open Source Web application platform. Softcover. CD-ROM included. ... |  |  Swarm Intelligence in Data Mining (Studies in Computational Intelligence)Science is a swarm.
To the layperson, the stereotypical scientist is logical, clear-thinking, wellinformed but perhaps socially awkward, carefully planning his or her experiments and then analyzing the resulting data deliberately, with precision. The scientist works alone, emotion-free, searching only for truth, having been well advised... |  |  Computer Security and CryptographyGain the skills and knowledge needed to create effective data security systems
This book updates readers with all the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to understand and implement data security systems. It presents a wide range of topics for a thorough understanding of the factors that affect... |
 |  |  |  |  DJing for DummiesPeople come to DJing from different places and for different reasons, but they can be split into those who love the music, those who want to make money, and those who think that DJing is cool and want to be famous. You may fall into one, or all three of these categories, but the most important one is loving the music.
If you’re a... |
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