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Zope Bible
Zope Bible
This comprehensive Bible for Web Developers, Web Architects, and Content Managers covers everything you need to build Web sites with Zope, the leading Open Source Web application platform.

Covers all you need to build Web sites with Zope, the leading Open Source Web application platform. Softcover. CD-ROM included. ...
Swarm Intelligence in Data Mining (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Swarm Intelligence in Data Mining (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Science is a swarm.

To the layperson, the stereotypical scientist is logical, clear-thinking, wellinformed but perhaps socially awkward, carefully planning his or her experiments and then analyzing the resulting data deliberately, with precision. The scientist works alone, emotion-free, searching only for truth, having been well advised
Computer Security and Cryptography
Computer Security and Cryptography

Gain the skills and knowledge needed to create effective data security systems

This book updates readers with all the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to understand and implement data security systems. It presents a wide range of topics for a thorough understanding of the factors that affect...

Game Theory: Decisions, Interaction and Evolution (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Game Theory: Decisions, Interaction and Evolution (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
This book is an introduction to game theory from a mathematical perspective. It is intended to be a first course for undergraduate students of mathematics, but I also hope that it will contain something of interest to advanced students or researchers in biology and economics who often encounter the basics of game theory informally via relevant...
Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies)
Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies)
This book introduces major agent platforms, frameworks, systems, tools, and applications. Each system is described by their developers in sufficient detail so that the reader can get a good understanding of the architecture, functionality, and application areas of the system. All systems are running systems. One main focus of the book lies on agent...
DJing for Dummies
DJing for Dummies
People come to DJing from different places and for different reasons, but they can be split into those who love the music, those who want to make money, and those who think that DJing is cool and want to be famous. You may fall into one, or all three of these categories, but the most important one is loving the music.

If you’re a
Digital Photography for 3D Imaging and Animation
Digital Photography for 3D Imaging and Animation

Transform Your 3D Projects with Your Own Digital Photographs

Enhance your 3D animation by adding photographs that you've composed, lit, and shot specifically for use in your 3D projects. This practical and easy-to-follow book will show you how. Even if you have limited experience, the tips and ideas...

Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
"The best single book on cryptology today." --Cryptologia (from a review of a previous edition)

"It is an outstanding book that assumes only elementary mathematical knowledge and is interspersed with many exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal stories from the history of cryptology."
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Unleashed
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Unleashed
SharePoint provides a cost-effective, easy-to-implement solution for organizations interested in enhancing team collaboration, document management, and search functionality and in providing a portal to access corporate resources and intranet/extranet environments. The SharePoint 2007 family (consisting of Windows SharePoint Service 3.0 and...
Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF)
Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF)
Thank you for picking up Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed! To avoid unsatisfied customers, I want to clarify that this is not a book about Microsoft PowerPoint (which many people consider to be the foundation of Windows presentations)! Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is Microsoft’s latest technology for creating graphical user...
MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista Client Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-620
MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista Client Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-620
Get in-depth preparation for Microsoft's new MCTS: Windows Vista exam.

With the release of Windows Vista, Microsoft is introducing a new job-skills Windows Vista certification. The MCTS: Windows Vista Client Configuration exam (70-620) serves as both a one-exam certification for the Technology Specialist certification track...

Mastering Digital Audio Production: The Professional Music Workflow with Mac OS X
Mastering Digital Audio Production: The Professional Music Workflow with Mac OS X
It’s a little embarrassing to think about it now, but when I first bought a computer with the intention of using it to create music I was shocked to find out I’d need external devices such as an audio interface and a MIDI keyboard and interface, as well as a DAT machine or other tape device to record the computer’s audio output. I...
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