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Understanding IPTV (Informa Telecoms & Media)
Understanding IPTV (Informa Telecoms & Media)
Just when we thought we had mastered modern communications-related acronyms, a new one has appeared. That acronym, IPTV, which is the subject of this book, represents an emerging technology that could change the manner by which we receive home entertainment, obtain training, operate our personal computers, and even use our cell phones. The acronym...
Pattern Recognition: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Pattern Recognition: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Pattern recognition currently comprises a vast body of methods supporting the development of numerous applications in many different areas of activity. The generally recognized relevance of pattern recognition methods and techniques lies, for the most part, in the general trend or "intelligent" task emulation, which has definitely...
Danny Goodman's AppleScript Handbook (Mac OS X Edition)
Danny Goodman's AppleScript Handbook (Mac OS X Edition)
The essential AppleScript book! One of the most recommended AppleScript references ever published, this definitive guide has been completely rewritten for Mac OS X by scripting guru Danny Goodman, whose best-selling books have helped educate legions of AppleScript developers world-wide. Don't settle for an old, out-of-print edition. The wait is...
Sound Forge 8 Power!: The Official Guide
Sound Forge 8 Power!: The Official Guide
Welcome to the official guide to the Sony Sound Forge 8 software -- one of the most popular audio editing programs available for the PC. With step-by-step examples and exercises, and thorough explanations, Sound Forge 8 Power! digs deep into the software rather than just describing the features and how they work. Whether you're a Sound Forge 8 or...
Photoshop CS3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Photoshop CS3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Loaded with the latest Photoshop tips and techniques

The secrets of digital image editing — explained in plain English!

Photoshop CS3 is a powerhouse, and here's the fast and easy way to get up to speed on all the coolest features. This friendly guide helps you get images into Photoshop...

The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML
The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML
The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML covers Sleepycat's Berkeley DB XML, an open source embedded XML database. Berkeley DB XML runs on all major operating systems and has support for the most popular programming languages. The book includes tutorials and complete language references for C++, Java, Perl, Python, and PHP.


Workflow Handbook 2003
Workflow Handbook 2003
Published in association with the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), the Workflow Handbook 2002 comprises four sections in over 400 information-packed pages:

SECTION 1: The World of Workflow covers a wide spectrum of viewpoints and discussions by experts in their respective fields. Papers range from an Introduction to Workflow through to a...

RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation (Resource Management)
RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation (Resource Management)
It was the publisher’s idea that I write RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation . Not only am I editor of Enterprise Integration System, Second Edition Handbook and author of The Complete Book of Middleware, I also had some innovative business process and project management ideas on improving the effectiveness of...
Cisco Express Forwarding (Networking Technology)
Cisco Express Forwarding (Networking Technology)
How does a router switch a packet? What is the difference between routing a packet, switching a frame, and packet switching? What is the Cisco® Express Forwarding (CEF) feature referred to in Cisco documentation and commonly found in Cisco IOS® commands? CEF is a general term that describes the mechanism by which Cisco routers and...
Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics)
Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics)
Clear, concise definitions of mathematical terms are not easy to locate, and despite the seemingly close connections between math and other scientific and engineering fields, practical explanations comprehensible to those who are not primarily mathematicians are even more difficult to find. The Dictionary of Applied Mathematics for Engineers and...
SOA Using Java(TM)  Web Services
SOA Using Java(TM) Web Services
Expert Solutions and State-of-the-Art Code Examples

SOA Using Java Web Services is a hands-on guide to implementing Web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with today’s Java EE 5 and Java SE 6 platforms. Author Mark Hansen presents in explicit detail the information that...

Practical Guide To Chemometrics, Second Edition
Practical Guide To Chemometrics, Second Edition
Chemometrics is an interdisciplinary field that combines statistics and chemistry. From its earliest days, chemometrics has always been a practically oriented subdiscipline of analytical chemistry aimed at solving problems often overlooked by mainstream statisticians. An important example is solving multivariate calibration problems at reduced...
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