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Data Science and Classification (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
Data Science and Classification (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
This volume contains a refereed selection of papers presented during the 10th Jubilee Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) on Data Science and Classification held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, July 25-29, 2006. Papers submitted for the conference were subjected...
Robot Builder's Bonanza, Third Edition (Robot Builder's Bonanza)
Robot Builder's Bonanza, Third Edition (Robot Builder's Bonanza)


Thousands of robot hobbyists -- and robots -- grew up on the first two editions on this book. Now Gordon McComb has partnered with fellow robotics enthusiast Myke Predko -- and together they've...

SharePoint 2003 User's Guide (Expert's Voice)
SharePoint 2003 User's Guide (Expert's Voice)
At DataLan Corporation, we spend a significant amount of time discussing a select group of people that we refer to as Professional Information Workers. We define this group as people who spend most of their working day creating documents and sending e-mail. Personally, I use a simple litmus test to identify Professional Information Workers; if you...
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Third Edition (Chromatographic Science)
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Third Edition (Chromatographic Science)
...Features new chapters and extensive revisions. ...Discusses how the technique works and how to interpret results. ...Describes the impact of [LC-MS] on small-molecule and biomolecular applications...
- Biophotonics International, August 2006

"...Discusses how the technique works and how to interpret...

Manga For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
Manga For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
If you love Manga, you’ll eat Manga For Dummies, right up. This step-by-step guide shows you how to create all of your favorite Manga characters from rough sketch through final full-color renderings.  You’ll build your skills as you draw animals, mythical creatures, superheroes, teenagers, and villains—along with...
A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication: Interpretation, Inference, and Production in Database Semantics
A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication: Interpretation, Inference, and Production in Database Semantics
Everyday life would be easier if we could simply talk with machines instead of having to program them. Before such talking robots can be built, however, there must be a theory of how communicating with natural language works. This requires not only a grammatical analysis of the language signs, but also a model of the cognitive agent, with...
Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG
Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG
Learn how to think before you animate. Thinking Animation is a one-of-a-kind book that emphasizes how artists can use traditional animation techniques and principles with the computer generated animation technology of today. Written by seasoned animators with experience in both 2D and CG, Thinking Animation is an exquisite guide aimed at...
Active and Programmable Networks for Adaptive Architectures and Services
Active and Programmable Networks for Adaptive Architectures and Services
New applications such as video conferencing, video on demand, multimedia transcoders, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), intrusion detection, distributed collaboration, and intranet security require advanced functionality from networks beyond simple forwarding congestion control techniques. Examples of advanced functionality include self-reconfiguration,...
Spread Spectrum and CDMA: Principles and Applications
Spread Spectrum and CDMA: Principles and Applications
Spread spectrum and CDMA are cutting-edge technologies widely used in operational radar, navigation and telecommunication systems and play a pivotal role in the development of the forthcoming generations of systems and networks.

This comprehensive resource presents the spread spectrum concept as a product of the advancements in wireless IT,...

Innovations in Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Innovations in Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
The study of innovation – the development of new knowledge and artifacts – is of interest to scientists and practitioners. Innovations change the day-to-day lives of individuals, transform economies, and even create new societies. The conditions triggering innovation and the innovation process itself set the stage for economic...
Artificial Cognition Systems
Artificial Cognition Systems
The central questions confronting artificial intelligence and cognitive science revolve around the nature of meaning and of mind. Minds are presumed to be the processors of mental content, where that content has the capacity to influence our speech and other behavior. The hard part is figuring out how that is done. Mental states must exercise...
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IV: 4th International Workshop, DALT 2006
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IV: 4th International Workshop, DALT 2006
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, DALT 2006, held in Hakodate, Japan in May 2006 as an associated event of AAMAS 2006, the main international conference on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.

The 12 revised full papers...

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