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Cardiovascular Disease in AIDS
Cardiovascular Disease in AIDS
Studies published before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) tracked the incidence and course of HIV infection in relation to cardiac illness in both children and adults. These studies show that subclinical echocardiographic abnormalities independently predict adverse outcomes and identify high-risk groups to be...
System Administration Made Easy Guidebook, Release 4.6A/B
System Administration Made Easy Guidebook, Release 4.6A/B
The most commonly performed system administration tasks are explained step-by-step in this guidebook. Eighty percent of the book is operation system/database independent; the rest covers Microsoft SQL Server

About the Author

The R/3 Simplification Group at SAP Labs, Palo Alto, develops or helps
SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Second Edition
SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Second Edition
Need help understanding the SAS macro facility? You will find all the answers that you need in this easy-to-follow book! Michele Burlew puts her decades of macro programming experience to work for you as she guides you through the basics, as well as the more complex features of the SAS macro facility. Updated extensively for SAS 9, this book...
Knowledge Integration: The Practice of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
Knowledge Integration: The Practice of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
The ability to manage knowledge is relevant for millions of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that operate in high-tech environments. They strongly depend on external knowledge about customers, technologies, and competitors because, as opposed to large companies, they have limited internal knowledge resources and little power to control...
Textpattern Solutions: PHP-Based Content Management Made Easy
Textpattern Solutions: PHP-Based Content Management Made Easy
Textpattern is a powerful, PHP-based content management system that allows you to build pretty much any kind of data-driven website quickly and easily. It is very popular among designers and developers alike, and has an active community of users. Sound good? Well, you're in luckthe book you're holding now shows you how to use every aspect of...
Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics (Routledge Critical History of Victorian Poetry)
Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics (Routledge Critical History of Victorian Poetry)
To my mind Armstrong's book makes its contribution to the study of Victorian Literature in two key ways. I expect I will return often to her very sophistocated consideration of that old chesnut, the Victorian crystallization of lyric subjectivity in a political-poetical dramaturgy of self-spectatorship. And I find an extraordinary resonance in her...
Top 100 Computer and Technical Careers: Your Complete Guidebook to Major Jobs in Many Fields at All Training Levels
Top 100 Computer and Technical Careers: Your Complete Guidebook to Major Jobs in Many Fields at All Training Levels
This book is about improving your life, not just about selecting a job. The career you choose will have an enormous impact on how you live your life.

A huge amount of information is available on occupations, but most people don’t know where to find accurate, reliable facts to help them make good career decisions—or they
Microsoft  Windows  Communication Foundation Step by Step
Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step

Your hands-on, step-by-step guide to building next-generation connected applications.

Teach yourself the essentials of Windows Communication Foundation-one step at a time. With this practical tutorial, you get hands-on guidance for creating the Web services you need to implement robust business applications for Windows.


Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice
Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice
Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML&emdash;Theory and Practice shows how to drive an object-oriented software design from use case all the way through coding and testing, based on the minimalist, UML-based ICONIX process. In addition to a comprehensive explanation of the foundations of the approach, the book makes extensive use of...
Ajax in Practice
Ajax in Practice
Ajax in Practice provides example-rich coverage of Ajax packed with ready-to-use code and practical recipes for common and not-so-common tasks. Ajax developers now face the move from Ajax-as-theory to Ajax-in-practice. Ajax in Practice guides web developers through the transition from learning about Ajax to successfully...
Photoshop CS Bible
Photoshop CS Bible
"I’ve learned more from Deke’s Photoshop Bible than any Photoshop book, ever."
-- Scott Kelby, President, National Association of Photoshop Professionals

"When someone asks me something I don’t know about Photoshop, I tell them to go read the Photoshop Bible. It does something no other book does -- it...

Fundamentals of WiMAX: Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking
Fundamentals of WiMAX: Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking

Fundamentals of WiMAX was consciously written to appeal to a broad audience, and to be of value to anyone who is interested in the IEEE 802.16e standards or wireless broadband networks more generally. The book contains cutting-edge tutorials on the technical and theoretical underpinnings to WiMAX that are not available anywhere else,...

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