 Cardiovascular Disease in AIDSStudies published before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) tracked the incidence and course of HIV infection in relation to cardiac illness in both children and adults. These studies show that subclinical echocardiographic abnormalities independently predict adverse outcomes and identify high-risk groups to be... |  |  System Administration Made Easy Guidebook, Release 4.6A/BThe most commonly performed system administration tasks are explained step-by-step in this guidebook. Eighty percent of the book is operation system/database independent; the rest covers Microsoft SQL Server
About the Author
The R/3 Simplification Group at SAP Labs, Palo Alto, develops or helps... |  |  SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, Second EditionNeed help understanding the SAS macro facility? You will find all the answers that you need in this easy-to-follow book! Michele Burlew puts her decades of macro programming experience to work for you as she guides you through the basics, as well as the more complex features of the SAS macro facility. Updated extensively for SAS 9, this book... |
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