 Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning EnvironmentsAdvances in technology are increasingly impacting the way in which curriculum is delivered and assessed. The emergence of the Internet has offered learners a new instructional delivery system that connects them with educational resources. Advances in Web-Based Education: Personalized Learning Environments covers a wide range of factors that... |  |  Linux Made Easy: The Official Guide to Xandros 3 for Everyday UsersLinux is an operating system, just like Windows or Mac OS. If you're looking at this book, you're probably somewhat of a Linux newbie. Maybe you're a Windows refugee--you just can't take it anymore or you want to stop paying through the nose for software and the latest buggy upgrade. Or you just want to try something new.
Linux Made... |  |  Bioinformatics Research and Development: First International Conference, BIRD 2007, Berlin, Germany, March 12-14, 2007, ProceedingsThis volume contains the papers which were selected for oral presentation at the first Bioinformatics Research and Development (BIRD) conference held in Berlin, Germany during March 12-14, 2007. BIRD covers a wide range of topics related to bioinformatics like microarray data, genomics, single nucleotide polymorphism, sequence analysis, systems... |
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