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CISA Exam Prep: Certified Information Systems Auditor (ACM Press)
CISA Exam Prep: Certified Information Systems Auditor (ACM Press)
The CISA Exam Prep provides you with the market's most comprehensive and current material for passing the new CISA certification exam. Exam Prep's best-selling study methods feature chapter review questions, practice exams, exam alerts, notes, tips, and cautions. You'll also have exclusive access to online test...
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional provides short, easy-to-read explanations of how to get database design right the first time. This book offers numerous examples to help you avoid the many pitfalls that entrap new and not-so-new database designers. Through the help of use cases and class diagrams modeled in the UML,...
JBoss(R) Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java(TM) EE
JBoss(R) Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java(TM) EE
Discover JBoss Seam: the Unified Framework for Simpler, More Powerful Web Development


JBoss Seam integrates EJB 3.0 and JSF components under a unified framework that simplifies and accelerates Java EE web development. Now, JBoss Seam’s project...

Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 6th European Conference, EvoCOP 2006
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 6th European Conference, EvoCOP 2006
Metaheuristics have often been shown to be effective for difficult combinatorial optimization problems appearing in various industrial, economical, and scientific domains. Prominent examples of metaheuristics are evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, scatter search, memetic algorithms, variable neighborhood search, iterated...
An Introduction to Quantum Computing
An Introduction to Quantum Computing
This concise, accessible text provides a thorough introduction to quantum computing - an exciting emergent field at the interface of the computer, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences. Aimed at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in these disciplines, the text is technically detailed and is clearly illustrated...
Mathematics for Business, Science, and Technology
Mathematics for Business, Science, and Technology
This text is written for

a. high school graduates preparing to take business or science courses at community colleges or universities

b. working professionals who feel that they need a math review from the very beginning

c. young students and working professionals who are enrolled in continued education
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Classroom in a Book
Dreamweaver CS3, now included as part of Adobe's Creative Suite 3, is the leading professional Web design and development application in the market, and is a must-have tool for any Web designer or developer. Dreamweaver CS3 offers new CSS layouts, a unified CSS panel, and CSS visualization tools that let users create interactive Web sites without...
SQL for MySQL Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference
SQL for MySQL Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference
The Most Complete and Practical Guide to MySQL Version 5’s Powerful SQL Dialect


MySQL version 5 offers a SQL dialect with immense power. In SQL for MySQL Developers, Rick F. van der Lans helps you master this version ofSQL and take advantage of its full...

Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the Top 25 Business People of our Times
Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the Top 25 Business People of our Times
Now in paperback. . . . What outstanding leaders do, and how they do it. Building corporate culture that can withstand anything. Reinventing your business: when it's time, how to do it. Key attributes of lasting leadership. The greatest business leaders of our generation. How they achieved the impossible. What you can learn from them. How...
Essential SharePoint 2007
Essential SharePoint 2007
Collaboration. Portals. Knowledge Management. Search. Document Management. These are terms that are thrown around when talking about Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). But what do they really mean?

Most books are designed to address the “how” behind SharePoint, from either an administrative perspective or a
Designer's Guide to the Cypress PSoC (Embedded Technology)
Designer's Guide to the Cypress PSoC (Embedded Technology)
This it the first technical reference book available on the PSoC, and it offers the most comprehensive combination of technical data, example code, and descriptive prose youll find anywhere.

Embedded design expert Robert Ashby will guide you through the entire PSoC world, providing thorough coverage of device feature, design,
Getting Started with MuPAD
Getting Started with MuPAD
The world of mathematics is probably one of the most fascinating creations of mankind. The world of mathematics with a Computer Algebra System, like MuPAD, is even more fascinating. With MuPAD, we can develop mathematical concepts, explore them and visualize them with just a few simple commands. This book is a gentle introduction to MuPAD – a...
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