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Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus (Business Solutions)
Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus (Business Solutions)
It has been estimated that although Microsoft Office 2007 contains more than 10,000 features, the average user is familiar with only about 150 of them. That means that most people have left a whopping 98.5 percent of Office territory unexplored. In practical terms, it also means that most people aren’t taking advantage of the power of the...
Hacking Vim: A Cookbook to get the Most out of the Latest Vim Editor
Hacking Vim: A Cookbook to get the Most out of the Latest Vim Editor
This cookbook contains ready-to-use hacks to solve problems Vim users encounter daily, from personalizing Vim to optimizations that boost productivity. It does not cover basic use of the editor but focuses on making life easier for experienced Vim users. Vim is a highly configurable, open-source, multi-platform text editor that is included as...
Designing BSD Rootkits: An Introduction to Kernel Hacking
Designing BSD Rootkits: An Introduction to Kernel Hacking
Designing BSD Rootkits introduces the fundamentals of programming and developing rootkits under the FreeBSD operating system. In addition to explaining rootkits and rootkit writing, the book aims to inspire readers to explore the FreeBSD kernel and gain a better understanding of the kernel and the FreeBSD operating system itself. Unlike...
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition
Based upon the authors' experience designing power electronics courses, SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition integrates a SPICE simulator with a power electronics course at a junior or senior level. This textbook assumes no prior knowledge of SPICE and introduces the applications of various SPICE commands through numerous...
The Book of Nero 7: CD and DVD Burning Made Easy
The Book of Nero 7: CD and DVD Burning Made Easy
Ahead Software's Nero program is the most popular CD and DVD burning software in the world. While it seems like it should be easy to burn CDs and DVDs, doing so can be much more complicated than it appears, and many users reach high frustration levels after burning multiple coasters that don't work.

This simple, task-oriented, step-by-step book...

Domain-Specific Development with Visual Studio DSL Tools (Microsoft .NET Development Series)
Domain-Specific Development with Visual Studio DSL Tools (Microsoft .NET Development Series)
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)--languages geared to specific vertical or horizontal areas of interest--are generating growing excitement from software engineers and architects. DSLs bring new agility to the creation and evolution of software, allowing selected design aspects to be expressed in terms much closer to the system requirements...
Adobe Photoshop CS2 On Demand
Adobe Photoshop CS2 On Demand
Photoshop can be an intimidating and time-consuming program to learn. Wouldn't you rather spend your time learning by doing rather than reading? Adobe Photoshop CS 2 On Demand features step-by-step instructions with accompanying visuals so that you spend more time learning and less time reading. The in-depth, wide-ranging coverage will...
Adobe Acrobat 8 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Adobe Acrobat 8 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Adobe Acrobat 8 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide uses a combination of task-based instruction and strong visuals to teach beginning and intermediate users how to be more productive with Adobe Acrobat. Author John Deubert takes readers step by step through all of the Adobe Acrobat 8 essentials, both basic--creating and viewing...
Visual Studio Team System: Better Software Development for Agile Teams
Visual Studio Team System: Better Software Development for Agile Teams
Make the Most of Visual Studio Team System in Real-World Agile Development Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) gives Microsoft development teams a powerful, integrated toolset for Agile development. Visual Studio Team System: Better Software Development for Agile Teams is a comprehensive, start-to-finish guide to making the...
Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple-Play Services
Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple-Play Services
“Network professionals who are looking to deploy triple-play service provider networks will find this book a useful tool.”

–Michael Newbery, IP Architect, TelstraClear Limited


“This book provides a wealth of information on current and...

The Linux Programmer's Toolbox (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series)
The Linux Programmer's Toolbox (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series)
Master the Linux Tools That Will Make You a More Productive Programmer

Linux comes with an extraordinary collection of power tools for C and C++ developers. The Linux Programmer's Toolbox helps you leverage all that power and productivity--without mastering endless syntax options, tracking down hard-to-find...

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming
Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming
"Professor Yang and Dr. Zheng are two of the passionate young researchers in the field with a lot of hands-on experience. Professor Ni, on the other hand, is a veteran in wireless technologies, 2.5G/3G cellular phones, and embedded systems. The energy, the hands-on experience, and the long-term vision ensure that the book is of highest...
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