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The Nintendo Wii Pocket Guide
The Nintendo Wii Pocket Guide
Here is your essential companion to the best-selling Wii game console. The Nintendo Wii Pocket Guide steers you through how to
  • Set up your Wii and connect it to your network.
  • Make your way around the Wii Channels.
  • Pick and use Wii controllers, including the Wii Remote, Nunchuk, and Classic and...
Tricks of the Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(TM) Masters
Tricks of the Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(TM) Masters
All over the world, Windows gurus have been working overtime to uncover the hottest new Windows Vista tips, tricks, and tweaks. Now, J. Peter Bruzzese has collected all their best discoveries in one place: Tricks of the Microsoft® Windows VistaTM Masters!  Bruzzese has interviewed top Windows professionals,...
Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research: Theory And Application
Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research: Theory And Application
This important Handbook provides a unique overview of information systems (IS) research by focusing on the increasing interest in critical-related issues. Representing a significant step forward in the development of critical perspectives on the IS field, the Handbook draws together original contributions from leading authors who offer alternatives...
Ant Developer's Handbook
Ant Developer's Handbook
Ant has emerged as the preferred building tool for Java developers, automating tedious compilation, test, and code management. Many Java developers are aware of Ant but there is little documentation to assist in getting started with the Ant tool. Even experienced developers who already use some of the features of the Ant tool, struggle with the...
Managing with Microsoft Project 2002 (Miscellaneous)
Managing with Microsoft Project 2002 (Miscellaneous)
With Project 2002, you've already purchased the most comprehensive project management software available. Now you've found the perfect resource to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Managing with Microsoft Project 2002 is a one-of-a-kind guide to successful project planning. From setting up a new project and making adjustments...
Learn Microsoft Assembler in a Day (Popular Applications)
Learn Microsoft Assembler in a Day (Popular Applications)
This book is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of programming a PC in its native tongue, which is the 80X86 Assembly language. It discusses practical working code for dealing with specifics of the PC DOS software environment using the Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.0. This book can be very useful as a starting guide to use with your macro...
Excel 2007 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Excel 2007 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Create killer formulas—Mr. Spreadsheet shows you how

Excel master John Walkenbach has shared his expertise in two previous editions of this bestseller. Now he shows you how to create financial formulas, release the power of array formulas, develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, debug formulas, and...

Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order (The Frontiers Collection)
Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order (The Frontiers Collection)
Quantum theory predicts experimental results brilliantly but simultaneously raises difficult conceptual issues. Paradoxes such as Schrödinger’s cat, the EPR paradox, or the nonlocality demanded by Bell’s inequalities have hampered philosophers in their attempts to include quantum theory when discussing the relation between mind and...
The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS (Symbian Press)
The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS (Symbian Press)
The current Symbian Press list focuses very much on the small scale features of Symbian OS in a programming context. The Architecture Sourcebook is different.

It's not a how-to book, it's a 'what and why' book. And because it names names as it unwinds the design decisions which have shaped the OS, it is also a 'who' book. It will show where...

Biometrics, Computer Security Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications
Biometrics, Computer Security Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications
This book presents the most recent achievements in the field of a very fast developing Computer Science. It is a very fascinating science, which still encompasses a number of uncovered areas of study with urgent problems to be solved. Therefore, thousands of scientists are dealing with it elaborating on more and more practical and efficient...
Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software Project Managers
Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software Project Managers
Few software projects are completed on time, on budget, and to their original specification. Research supports that projects usually fail due to management, rather than technical, mistakes. Focusing on what practitioners need to know about risk in the pursuit of delivering software projects, Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software...
Web Marketing For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Web Marketing For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Claim your space in the online marketplace!

Develop a plan, build a marketing-effective site, and create word-of-Web campaigns

Launching a Web site for your product or service does not automatically ensure sales success. This book provides the know-how for creating a solid Web marketing plan, including how to build a site...

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