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Computational Approaches to Biochemical Reactivity (Understanding Chemical Reactivity)
Computational Approaches to Biochemical Reactivity (Understanding Chemical Reactivity)
This book summarises recent results in the rapidly developing discipline of the computational aspects of biochemical reactivity. It presents a comprehensive and critical treatise on the subject, with numerous references covering practically all relevant and recent work. The chapters, written by eminent experts in the field, deal with quantum...
Behold a Pale Horse
Behold a Pale Horse
Sometime ago I had the opportunity to meet William Cooper and his wife Annie. It was part of my job to verify whether this man did indeed speak the truth or was just another person seeking fame and fortune. What I found was a rugged, bulldog, driven individual who was kind, thoughtful and tenderhearted. He was truly concerned about you and your...
How to Program Visual Basic 5.0: Control Creation Edition
How to Program Visual Basic 5.0: Control Creation Edition
A world in which every piece of software has the ability to interact with every other piece of software ain't gonna happen anytime soon. But you can always dream. I personally hope to someday put a software chip in a small house pet-a cat, perhaps-and control it through the use of Visual Basic properties and methods.

But perhaps I'm
Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications
Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications
Ruby on Rails has shaken up the web development industry in a huge way—especially when you consider that version 1.0 of Rails was only released in December 2005. The huge waves of enthusiasm for the new framework, originally in weblogs and later in the more traditional media, are probably the reason why this book is in your hands.
Structure Formation in Solution : Ionic Polymers and Colloidal Particles
Structure Formation in Solution : Ionic Polymers and Colloidal Particles
"He found a promising approach in Sogami and Ise’s treatments of ‘electrostatic interactions in macro-ionic solutions’ of spherical  macro-ions (Ise and Sogami, 2005)."

Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 54, No. 6, 773-775, 2006

This book is designed to critically review experimental findings on ionic
104 Number Theory Problems: From the Training of the USA IMO Team
104 Number Theory Problems: From the Training of the USA IMO Team
This challenging problem book by renowned US Olympiad coaches, mathematics teachers, and researchers develops a multitude of problem-solving skills needed to excel in mathematical contests and research in number theory. Offering inspiration and intellectual delight, the problems throughout the book encourage students to express their ideas,...
The Traveler's Web: An Extreme Searcher Guide to Travel Resources on the Internet
The Traveler's Web: An Extreme Searcher Guide to Travel Resources on the Internet
According to a recent survey by the Travel Industry Association of America, nearly 80 million Americans turned to the Internet for help with travel planning in 2005. The same survey reports that the Internet is now used for some aspect of travel planning in more than 75 percent of all trips. You can count on these numbers rising in the years ahead....
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher, Second Edition
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher, Second Edition
"A phenomenal resource for both extreme and not-so-extreme researchers. Great tips, clear explanations, and years of expertise distilled into 250 pages of clear, engaging text. This book should be on every searcher's desk."  —Mary Ellen Bates, coauthor, Researching Online for Dummies

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
If you are squeamish about choosing colors, feel uninspired by a blank browser window, or get lost trying to choose the right font, this book is for you. In it, I take a methodical approach to presenting traditional graphic design theory as it applies to today’s web site development industry. While the content is directed toward programmers...
How To Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul
How To Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul
Designers are quick to tell us about their sources of inspiration, but they are much less willing to reveal such critical matters as how to find work, how much they charge, and what to do when a client rejects three weeks of work and refuses to pay the bill. How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul addresses the concerns of...
Web Analytics For Dummies (Computers)
Web Analytics For Dummies (Computers)
Performing your first Web site analysis just got a whole lot easier. Web Analytics For Dummies offers everything you need to know to nail down and pump up the ROI on your Web presence. It explains how to get the stats you need, then helps you analyze and apply that information to improve traffic and click-through rate on your Web...
Transport Equations in Biology (Frontiers in Mathematics)
Transport Equations in Biology (Frontiers in Mathematics)
This book presents models written as partial differential equations and originating from various questions in population biology, such as physiologically structured equations, adaptive dynamics, and bacterial movement. Its purpose is to derive appropriate mathematical tools and qualitative properties of the solutions (long time behavior,...
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