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Combating Piracy: Intellectual Property Theft and Fraud
Combating Piracy: Intellectual Property Theft and Fraud
Manifestations of fraud in the early twenty-first century are showing signs of innovations and adaptation in response to shifting opportunities. This book reports on new analyses of intellectual property theft as its most recent expression. Fraud and piracy of products and ideas have become common as the opportunities to commit them expand, and...
Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference

Written by Access MVPs and Microsoft Access testers, this resource will give you the tools to leverage Access 2007's built-in functionality and VBA in order to build more dynamic applications. It explores all aspects of VBA programming for Access and describes the latest innovations. You'll also find...

Artificial Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems Biology (Computational Biology)
Artificial Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems Biology (Computational Biology)
This book provides simultaneously a design blueprint, user guide, research agenda, and communication platform for current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to systems biology. It places an emphasis on the molecular dimension of life phenomena and in one chapter on anatomical and functional modeling of the brain....
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Based on the TMS320C6000
Digital Signal Processing has undergone enormous growth in usage/implementation in the last 20 years and many engineering schools are now offering real-time DSP courses in their undergraduate curricula. Our everyday lives involve the use of DSP systems in things such as cell phones and high-speed modems; Texas Instruments has introduced the...
New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval (The Information Retrieval Series)
New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval (The Information Retrieval Series)
New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval presents an exciting new direction for research into cognitive oriented information retrieval (IR) research, a direction based on an analysis of the user’s problem situation and cognitive behavior when using the IR system. This contrasts with the current dominant IR research...
Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management
Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management
The Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management is the most comprehensive source of coverage related to the past, present, and emerging directions of knowledge management. Edited by the well-respected knowledge management researcher, Professor David Schwartz of Bar Ilan University (Israel), the Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management provides a broad basis...
Data Quality: Concepts, Methodologies and Techniques (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)
Data Quality: Concepts, Methodologies and Techniques (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)
Poor data quality can seriously hinder or damage the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and businesses. The growing awareness of such repercussions has led to major public initiatives like the "Data Quality Act" in the USA and the "European 2003/98" directive of the European Parliament.

Batini and...

Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
The theory of formal languages is widely accepted as the backbone of theoretical computer science. It mainly originated from mathematics (combinatorics, algebra, mathematical logic) and generative linguistics. All human problem solving capabilities can be considered in a certain sense as a manipulation of symbols and structures composed by symbols,...
Professional BizTalk Server 2006
Professional BizTalk Server 2006
This book provides insight into how industry experts have successfully architected, developed, and maintained Microsoft BizTalk Server in mission-critical environments. Authored by highly-regarded consultants with a wealth of knowledge on designing, building, and operating enterprise applications using BizTalk, this comprehensive guide gives you...
Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Mathematical Methods
Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Mathematical Methods
Computer algebra is the field of mathematics and computer science that is concerned with the development, implementation, and application of algorithms that manipulate and analyze mathematical expressions. This book and the companion text, Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Mathematical Methods, are an introduction to the subject that...
Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Many complex problems, such as financial investment planning, involve many different components or sub-tasks, each of which requires different types of processing. To solve such complex problems, a great diversity of intelligent techniques, including traditional hard computing techniques (e.g., expert systems) and soft computing techniques (e.g.,...
Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation: 3D Object Recognition, Tracking and Hand-Eye Coordination
Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation: 3D Object Recognition, Tracking and Hand-Eye Coordination
As autonomous robots expand into the service domain, new solutions to the challenge of operating in domestic environments must be developed. Widespread adoption of service robots demands high robustness to environmental change and operational wear, and minimal reliance on application specific knowledge. As such, rich sensing modalities such as...
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