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Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2007 Solutions in C# 2005 (Expert's Voice in Sharepoint)
Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2007 Solutions in C# 2005 (Expert's Voice in Sharepoint)
Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2007 Solutions in C# 2005 is the third edition of Scot Hillier's market-leading SharePoint book. This book features extensive updates to the previous edition, with a complete focus on SharePoint 2007 and its integration with the 2007 Microsoft Office System. It also features new approaches for using...
Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach
Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach
This book discusses a topic that is among the central questions of software development. Therefore, we must position ourselves in that area to justify our right to express our opinion on that topic. Saying “we” implies at least one person in the co-author group. We have worked for several years in software development using various...
Testing SAP R/3: A Manager's Step-by-Step Guide
Testing SAP R/3: A Manager's Step-by-Step Guide

Destined to become your essential SAP R/3 desktop reference

Testing SAP R/3: A Manager′s Step–by–Step Guide demystifies this powerful software to enable professionals to implement a disciplined, efficient, and proven approach for testing SAP R/3. Providing much needed industry guidance for...

Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)
Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)
Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Databases teaches you everything you need to know about relational databases, SQL, and ADO.NET 2.0, giving you a sound start in developing console and Windows database applications. The book also includes chapters on the new SQL Server XML data type and the forthcoming LINQ enhancements to the next version of...
Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
This volume is unique: the first comprehensive exposition of the exciting new field of Reconfigurable Computing with FPGAs. By mapping algorithms directly into programmable logic, FPGA accelerators offer and deliver 10X-100X performance increases over microprocessors for a large range of application domains. Reconfigurable computing is found in...
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns
Represents the progression and evolution of the pattern approach into a system of patterns capable of describing and documenting large-scale applications.

This practical tutorial/reference demonstrates how patterns can enable users to create large-scale applications and solve recurring design problems. Contains a catalog of 25
Biometric User Authentication for IT Security: From Fundamentals to Handwriting (Advances in Information Security)
Biometric User Authentication for IT Security: From Fundamentals to Handwriting (Advances in Information Security)
Biometric user authentication techniques have evoked an enormous interest by science, industry and society in the recent past. Scientists and developers have constantly pursued the technology for automated determination or confirmation of the identity of subjects based on measurements of physiological or behavioral traits of humans. Many biometric...
Information Technology in Languages for Specific Purposes: Issues and Prospects (Educational Linguistics)
Information Technology in Languages for Specific Purposes: Issues and Prospects (Educational Linguistics)
Work in the field of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) has also been transformed by technology. This volume offers an overview of a variety of applications of IT in the field of LSP. It is addressed to a wide audience that includes LSP teachers and researchers, although the contents may also be relevant to applied linguists working in...
Introduction to Mobile Communications: Technology, Services, Markets
Introduction to Mobile Communications: Technology, Services, Markets
The traditionally separate Fixed, Mobile, and Internet sectors are now converging into a single sector with implications for both technology and business. With so much happening, and so many options available, it is increasingly essential for telecommunication professionals to have a clear view of where the industry is heading. This book provides a...
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques
Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabilities, and the author’s practical experience gained from 45 years of work with display-based systems, this book addresses interface and screen design from the user’s perspective. You will learn how to...
The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context (The Information Retrieval Series)
The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context (The Information Retrieval Series)
This book is a wonderful contribution to a comprehensive understanding of a complete and integrated view of information seeking and information retrieval.

James D. Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University

"The Turn is a valuable book which aims to demonstrate how and why...

Data Complexity in Pattern Recognition (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Data Complexity in Pattern Recognition (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Machines capable of automatic pattern recognition have many fascinating uses in science & engineering as well as in our daily lives. Algorithms for supervised classification, where one infers a decision boundary from a set of training examples, are at the core of this capability.

This book takes a close view of data complexity & its...

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