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Asterisk Hacking
Asterisk Hacking
Asterisk hacking shows readers about a hacking technique they may not be aware of. It teaches the secrets the bad guys already know about stealing personal information through the most common, seemingly innocuous, highway into computer networks: the phone system. The book also comes with an Asterisk Live CD (SLAST) containing all...
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)

This textbook is an introduction to Scientific Computing, in which several numerical methods for the computer solution of certain classes of mathematical problems are illustrated. The authors show how to compute the zeros or the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions by polynomials and construct...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures: East and Southeast Asia
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: East and Southeast Asia
This project began in 1987 with the goal of assembling a basic reference source that provides accurate, clear, and concise descriptions of the cultures of the world. We wanted to be as comprehensive and authoritative as possible: comprehensive, by providing descriptions of all the cultures of each region of the world or by describing a...
Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual
Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual
Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual is a comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, exploiting, and using the richest Microsoft client operating system on the market. It guides you through the complexities of configuring and running a successful Windows Vista client computer. It also takes an in-depth look at the wealth of features and...
How to Cheat at IIS 7 Server Administration
How to Cheat at IIS 7 Server Administration
According to Microsoft, Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 is a web server that provides a secure, easy to manage platform for developing and reliably hosting Web applications and services. With the new version of IIS, there are more security options, 40 new feature models that allow administrators to customize their settings, and a new set of...
Word 2007: Beyond the Manual
Word 2007: Beyond the Manual
If you're familiar with Word, but not Word 2007, this is the book for you. Word 2007: Beyond the Manual focuses on new features of Word 2007 as well as older features that were once less accessible than they are now. This book also makes a point to include examples of practical applications for all the new features.

Written by Connie...

Semantic Web Services, Processes and Applications (Semantic Web and Beyond)
Semantic Web Services, Processes and Applications (Semantic Web and Beyond)
Semantics, Web services, and Web processes promise better re-use, universal interoperability and integration. Semantics has been recognized as the primary tool to address the challenges of a broad spectrum of heterogeneity and for improving automation through machine understandable descriptions.

Semantic Web Services, Processes and...

Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Workflow is the glue that binds information worker processes, users, and artifacts. Without workflow, information workers are just islands of data and potential. Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System details how to implement workflow in SharePoint 2007 and the rest of the 2007 Office System to help information workers share data,...
Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0 (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0 (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Windows Workflow Foundation is a ground-breaking addition to the core of the .NET Framework that allows you to orchestrate human and system interactions as a series of workflows that can be easily mapped, analyzed, adjusted, and implemented.

As business problems become more complex, the need for a workflow-based solution has never been more...

Imaging of the Sternocostoclavicular Region
Imaging of the Sternocostoclavicular Region

The sternocostoclavicular region often presents diagnostic challenges for both the clinician and the radiologist. It is commonly involved in rheumatologic disorders, sometimes with pain referred to areas distant from the joints. This potentially can lead to delayed diagnosis. In addition, the region is difficult to visualise by conventional...

Computational Models of Argument:  Volume 144 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Computational Models of Argument: Volume 144 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
The papers in this volume formed the programme of the 1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA), which was hosted by the Dept. of Computer Science of The University of Liverpool from Sept. 11th–12th, 2006. This conference originated from the ASPIC project1 from which significant support has been received. The...
EJB 2.0 Development With Websphere Studio Application Developer (IBM Redbooks)
EJB 2.0 Development With Websphere Studio Application Developer (IBM Redbooks)
This IBM® Redbook provides detailed information on how to effectively use WebSphere® Studio Application Developer for the development of applications based on the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture, and deployment of such applications to a WebSphere Application Server.

Throughout the book, we provide examples based on a
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