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Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
Digital technology for the production, transmission, and reception of television is expected to replace analogue transmission throughout the world. The timetable for this transition is uncertain and different projections have been made for virtually every country in the world. This book gives the exhaustive details of the issues of this changeover...
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Operations Guide
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Operations Guide
Maintain and troubleshoot your server installations with comprehensive technical information and tools-direct from the Windows 2000 product development team. Part of the official MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 SERVER RESOURCE KIT, this practical guide is now available separately for IT professionals focused on day-to-day operations. Coverage includes...
Hacking Exposed VoIP: Voice Over IP Security Secrets & Solutions
Hacking Exposed VoIP: Voice Over IP Security Secrets & Solutions

Block debilitating VoIP attacks by learning how to look at your network and devices through the eyes of the malicious intruder. Hacking Exposed VoIP shows you, step-by-step, how online criminals perform reconnaissance, gain access, steal data, and penetrate vulnerable systems. All hardware-specific and network-centered security issues...

Introducing Microsoft  ASP.NET AJAX (Pro - Developer)
Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (Pro - Developer)

Get an expert introduction to the new JavaScript enhancements (code-named "Atlas") for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0. More than a basic AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) script library, the Microsoft implementation brings object orientation to JavaScript, together with enhanced client-side and server-side controls that greatly simplify...

Hacking Exposed Web Applications, 2nd Ed.
Hacking Exposed Web Applications, 2nd Ed.

Implement bulletproof e-business security the proven Hacking Exposed way

Defend against the latest Web-based attacks by looking at your Web applications through the eyes of a malicious intruder. Fully revised and updated to cover the latest Web exploitation techniques, Hacking Exposed Web Applications, Second Edition shows you,...

Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)
Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)

You've just gotta love Ubuntu; it's an irresistible package of usability, security, and support features. But a power user like you is just itching to teach it some new tricks. Show it how to play nicely with other systems. Develop its multitasking and communication skills. Free its inner video and graphics talents. And make sure that when it...

Professional XML (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional XML (Programmer to Programmer)

From document type definitions and XQuery to Web services and form development, this book takes you through all of the XML capabilities that companies want to implement today. It not only covers the basics of XML and the XML specification, but also shows you the XML-based applications that are driving the tech industry forward, such as blogging...

Design Pattern Formalization Techniques
Design Pattern Formalization Techniques
Software design is a fledgling discipline. When the “software crisis” came to be acknowledged during the late 1960s, software development projects have been marred by budget overflows and catastrophic failures. This situation has largely remained unchanged. Programmers still create poorly-understood systems of monstrous complexity which...
Cardiac Arrhythmias 2005: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (Venice, October 2-5, 2005)
Cardiac Arrhythmias 2005: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (Venice, October 2-5, 2005)
The year 1988 marked the beginning of the International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias. This biannual series of meetings was initiated with the following goals: (1) to present technological advances in the field of cardiac arrhythmias, (2) to publicise the results of current research, and (3) to assess the impact of new diagnostic and therapeutic...
MCSE Upgrade to Microsoft Windows 2000: Training Kit (It-Training Kit)
MCSE Upgrade to Microsoft Windows 2000: Training Kit (It-Training Kit)

Welcome to Upgrading to Microsoft Windows 2000 Training Kit. This kit introduces you to the Windows 2000 family of products, prepares you to install the Windows 2000 software, and prepares you to upgrade your Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 network to a Windows 2000 network.

This kit concentrates on Windows 2000 Server and on...

Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know (Expert's Voice)
Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know (Expert's Voice)
Dr. Gary McGraw, a well-known software security expert, said, “First things first—make sure you know how to code, and have been doing so for years. It is better to be a developer (and architect) and then learn about security than to be a security guy and try to learn to code” (McGraw 2004). If you are interested in becoming a...
Robot Builder's Bonanza (Tab Electronics)
Robot Builder's Bonanza (Tab Electronics)
Library Journal : The author of The Robot Builder's Sourcebook ... offers a series of easy-to-do projects ranging from adapting common toys to walking robots to giving your robot sound capabilities. He includes new information on LEGO(R) Mindstorms(tm), microcontrollers, robotics programming, and other technological developments....
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