 Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (Pro - Developer)Get an expert introduction to the new JavaScript enhancements (code-named "Atlas") for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0. More than a basic AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) script library, the Microsoft implementation brings object orientation to JavaScript, together with enhanced client-side and server-side controls that greatly simplify... |  |  Hacking Exposed Web Applications, 2nd Ed.Implement bulletproof e-business security the proven Hacking Exposed way
Defend against the latest Web-based attacks by looking at your Web applications through the eyes of a malicious intruder. Fully revised and updated to cover the latest Web exploitation techniques, Hacking Exposed Web Applications, Second Edition shows you,... |  |  Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)You've just gotta love Ubuntu; it's an irresistible package of usability, security, and support features. But a power user like you is just itching to teach it some new tricks. Show it how to play nicely with other systems. Develop its multitasking and communication skills. Free its inner video and graphics talents. And make sure that when it... |
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