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Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems
Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems
This powerful study guide gives you 571 problems in signals and systems, fully solved step-by-step! From SchaumÕs, the original study guide, and studentsÕ favorite with over 30 million guides soldÑthis solution-packed timesaver helps you master every type of problem you will face on your tests, from simple questions on linear...
Data Mining,  Second Edition, Second Edition : Concepts and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Data Mining, Second Edition, Second Edition : Concepts and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Here's the resource you need if you want to apply today's most powerful data mining techniques to meet real business challenges. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques equips you with a sound understanding of data mining principles and teaches you proven methods for knowledge discovery in large corporate databases.

Written expressly for...

Spss for Beginners
Spss for Beginners
This book is the only user-oriented book on SPSS:

• It uses a series of pictures and simple instructions to teach each procedure. Users can conduct procedures by following the graphically illustrated examples. The book is designed for the novice - even those who are inexperienced with SPSS, statistics, or computers. Though its
Advanced Web Sites Made Easy
Advanced Web Sites Made Easy

This book is the first book on an exciting new product known as HTML/OS.

HTML/OS is exciting because it single-handedly eliminates the complexities of building advanced sites. HTML/OS includes a built-in database engine and simple Basic-like tags you type into HTML documents. Web pages that once took months to write without HTML/OS...

IT Project Management Handbook
IT Project Management Handbook
Now you can manage IT projects quickly, easily, on time, and on budget!

IT project management has developed into a complex process with a broader scope of responsibilities than ever before. Here is the newest and most comprehensive book to offer winning insights and strategies on how to manage every step of the process. Written by two of this...

Xml on Z/OS and Os/390: Introduction to a Service-Oriented Architecture (IBM Redbooks)
Xml on Z/OS and Os/390: Introduction to a Service-Oriented Architecture (IBM Redbooks)
This IBM Redbook describes the use of XML on IBM servers running z/OS or OS/390, and how it can be extended to modernize legacy applications. It provides both a high-level discussion of service-oriented architecture along with practical, detailed information about XML. In addition to an overview of XML concepts, the first part of the book provides...
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Russia and Eurasia/China
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Russia and Eurasia/China
This project began in 1987 with the goal of assembling a basic reference source that provides accurate, clear, and concise descriptions of the cultures of the world. We wanted to be as comprehensive and authoritative as possible: comprehensive, by providing descriptions of all the cultures of each region of the world or by describing a...
Standard Codecs: Image Compression to Advanced Video Coding (Telecommunications)
Standard Codecs: Image Compression to Advanced Video Coding (Telecommunications)
A substantially updated edition of "Video Coding: An Introduction to Standard Codecs", (IEE/1999) this book discusses the growth of digital television technology and the revolution in image and video compression (such as JPEG2000, broadcast TV, video phone), highlighting the need for standardization in processing static and moving images...
Multiagent Robotic Systems (International Series on Computational Intelligence)
Multiagent Robotic Systems (International Series on Computational Intelligence)
Liu and Wu describe the major developments and technical issues related to learning, adaptation, and self-organization in multiagent robotic systems … the list of references is comprehensive … A good resource for researchers on robotic systems, which may serve as a course resource for graduate students.
Reliability, Quality, and Safety for Engineers
Reliability, Quality, and Safety for Engineers
The author includes numerous examples, problems, and solutions to test the reader's comprehension. He also lists important journals, organizations, standards, and books for further study, creating a comprehensive resource for design, system, safety and manufacturing engineers as well as reliability specialists and quality assurance professionals....
Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance: Effective Enterprise Risk Management
Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance: Effective Enterprise Risk Management
“…full of pragmatic advice on achieving and sustaining compliance” (Supply Management, 5th January 2005)

Designed to lead financial managers from initial compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, through ongoing maintenance and monitoring, Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance helps
Self-Similarity and Beyond: Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Problems (Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Self-Similarity and Beyond: Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Problems (Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
The main theme of this book is exact solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations and systematic methods for finding them. All techniques are demonstrated with plenty of worked-out examples, which are predominantly drawn from fluid mechanics, reaction-diffusion systems, and nonlinear diffusion…Throughout the book, notation is kept...
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