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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Increase Your Companys Odds of Surviving a Major Disaster

Powerful Earthquake Triggers Tsunami in Pacific. Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall in the Gulf Coast. Avalanche Buries Highway in Denver. Tornado Touches Down in Georgia These headlines not only have caught the attention of people around the world, they have had a
Probability and Random Processes: With Applications to Signal Processing and Communications
Probability and Random Processes: With Applications to Signal Processing and Communications
"...very well written...very recommendable for students, researchers as well as practitioners interested in signal processing and communications."
- Stefan Reh, Carnegie Mellon University

"...it is well written, providing the intended readership with tools and methods to study and solve problems concerning random
Text Entry Systems: Mobility, Accessibility, Universality (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)
Text Entry Systems: Mobility, Accessibility, Universality (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)
Text entry has never been so important as it is today. This is in large part due to the phenomenal, relatively recent success of mobile computing, text messaging on mobile phones, and the proliferation of small devices like the Blackberry and Palm Pilot. Compared with the recent past, when text entry was primarily through the standard qwerty...
Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for Synergies (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for Synergies (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This book presents current research and development work in the fields of knowledge visualization and information visualization. In addition to revised reviewed papers presented at an international workshop on Visual Artefacts for the Organization of Information and Knowledge held in Tübingen, Germany in May 2004, invited papers from leading...
Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
‘Network’ is a heavily overloaded term, so that ‘network analysis’ means different things to different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse structures such as the Internet, interlocking directorates, transportation systems, epidemic spreading, metabolic pathways, the Web graph,...
How to Cheat at Configuring Open Source Security Tools
How to Cheat at Configuring Open Source Security Tools
The Perfect Reference for the Multitasked SysAdmin

This is the perfect guide if network security tools is not your specialty. It is the perfect introduction to managing an infrastructure with freely available, and powerful, Open Source tools. Learn how to test and audit your systems using products like Snort and
Nortel Guide to VPN Routing for Security and VoIP
Nortel Guide to VPN Routing for Security and VoIP
Here's your handbook to Nortel VPN Router

If you're a beginning-to-intermediate-level networking professional, this guide lays the groundwork you need to establish and manage your network with VPN Router. Everything is here—hardware, software, laboratory set-ups, real-world examples, and, most importantly, advice gleaned from the...

QoS Over Heterogeneous Networks
QoS Over Heterogeneous Networks

The importance of quality of service (QoS) has risen with the recent evolution of telecommunication networks, which are characterised by a great heterogeneity. While many applications require a specific level of assurance from the network; communication networks are characterized by different service providers, transmission means and implementer...

Beer: Tap Into the Art and Science of Brewing
Beer: Tap Into the Art and Science of Brewing

"Brilliant! There has been an unfilled market for this type of book. . . . Happily, this book . . .is by a wide margin the best reference now available . . . The book is very well written. It has a light, almost breezy style that is mixed with a subtle yet attractively understated British wit. It is above all a great read that is hard to...

Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming
Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming
Write Robust PL/SQL Applications

Create dynamic client/server applications using PL/SQL and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Expert Oracle insiders cover the features of PL/SQL, explain scripting semantics and syntax, and fully detail the PL/SQL functionality of Oracle Database 10g. You’ll...

SAS/Genetics 9.1.3 User's Guide
SAS/Genetics 9.1.3 User's Guide
SAS/Genetics is a collection of SAS procedures along with a SAS macro specifically designed for the statistical analysis of genetic marker data. This guide is intended to provide you with the statistical genetics background and the procedural syntax needed to use this software, as well as examples showing some common applications of the methods in...
Software Visualization: Visualizing the Structure, Behaviour, and Evolution of Software
Software Visualization: Visualizing the Structure, Behaviour, and Evolution of Software
Software visualization encompasses the development and evaluation of methods for graphically representing different aspects of software, including its structure, its execution, and its evolution. Software visualization combines techniques from areas like software engineering, programming languages, data mining, computer graphics, information...
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