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Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications
When I mentioned that I was putting together an encyclopedia of portal technology and applications that would have around 200 articles, a college at Victoria University asked me whether there was enough material in the world written on portals to do that. I replied that even if there was not, there soon would be. The final product you are reading...
Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software
Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software
Our civilization runs on software. Yet the art of creating it continues to be a dark mystery, even to the experts, and the greater our ambitions, the more spectacularly we seem to fail.

Big software projects regularly crash and burn--just ask the FBI and the IRS, the Pentagon and the FAA, or any decent-size corporation. The...

Physical and Logical Security Convergence: Powered By Enterprise Security Management
Physical and Logical Security Convergence: Powered By Enterprise Security Management
Security in the post 9/11 world is about much more than just guns, guards and gates. The authors make a tremendous contribution to today's security debate by offering thoughtful and sensible recommendations that will help any reader understand the challenges of the networked world we now live in.- Roger Cresser, NBC News terrorism analyst
SAS(R) Add-In 2.1 for Microsoft Office: Getting Started with Data Analysis
SAS(R) Add-In 2.1 for Microsoft Office: Getting Started with Data Analysis
Provides step-by-step instructions for analyzing data in Microsoft Excel. You will be guided through several SAS tasks and shown how you can harness the power of SAS in Microsoft Excel. The scenarios in the book use sample data that is provided with Base SAS software, so you can follow the instructions to perform this analysis.

SAS(R) Data Integration Studio 3.4: User's Guide
SAS(R) Data Integration Studio 3.4: User's Guide
This manual is a task-oriented introduction to the main features of SAS Data Integration Studio. SAS Data Integration Studio is a visual design tool that enables you to consolidate and manage enterprise data from a variety of source systems, applications, and technologies. The audience for this manual is users who are responsible for data...
Argumentation Methods for Artificial Intelligence in Law
Argumentation Methods for Artificial Intelligence in Law
"In this book, Walton presents his perspective on argumentation methods for artificial intelligence and law. … the different tools are combined in a way that makes them potentially useful for understanding legal reasoning. … this book offers a valuable perspective on the current state and future research directions of...
Digital Rights Management: ACM CCS-9 Workshop, DRM 2002, Washington, DC, USA, November 18, 2002, Revised Papers
Digital Rights Management: ACM CCS-9 Workshop, DRM 2002, Washington, DC, USA, November 18, 2002, Revised Papers
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Digital Rights Management, DRM 2002, held in Washington, DC, USA, in November 2002, in conjunction with ACM CCS-9.

The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. Among the topics addressed...

Breaking Through the BIOS Barrier: The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide for PCs
Breaking Through the BIOS Barrier: The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide for PCs
The first authoritative guide to optimizing your PC's BIOS

Your PC's BIOS enables your software and hardware to work together. But they can work together better—way better. If you want the best possible PC performance and stability, this book shows you exactly what to tweak, and how to tweak it.


Passionate Engines: What Emotions Reveal about the Mind and Artificial Intelligence
Passionate Engines: What Emotions Reveal about the Mind and Artificial Intelligence
In this unique contribution to philosophical debate, Craig DeLancey shows that our best understanding of emotion provides essential insight on key issues in philosophy of mind and artificial intelligence. DeLancey offers us a bold new approach to the study of the mind based on the latest scientific research, and provides an accessible overview of...
Theory of Neural Information Processing Systems
Theory of Neural Information Processing Systems
Theory of Neural Information Processing Systems provides an explicit, coherent, and up-to-date account of the modern theory of neural information processing systems. It has been carefully developed for graduate students from any quantitative discipline, including mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering or biology, and has been...
An Introduction to AI Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)
An Introduction to AI Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)
This text covers all the material needed to understand the principles behind the AI approach to robotics and to program an artificially intelligent robot for applications involving sensing, navigation, planning, and uncertainty. Robin Murphy is extremely effective at combining theoretical and practical rigor with a light narrative touch. In the...
Intelligence in Communication Systems: IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems, INTELLCOMM 2005, Montreal, Canada, October
Intelligence in Communication Systems: IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems, INTELLCOMM 2005, Montreal, Canada, October
Communication systems are now ubiquitous and making them more intelligent remains very challenging.  The IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems is an effort to bring together researchers and practitioners who represent the latest developments in this area.  This volume contains selected papers from the...
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