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Digital Communications Using Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics (Institute for Nonlinear Science)
Digital Communications Using Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics (Institute for Nonlinear Science)
This book introduces readers to a new and exciting cross-disciplinary field of digital communications with chaos. This field was born around 15 years ago, when it was first demonstrated that nonlinear systems which produce complex non-periodic noise-like chaotic signals, can be synchronized and modulated to carry useful information. Thus, chaotic...
A Computer Scientist's Guide to Cell Biology
A Computer Scientist's Guide to Cell Biology
This practical guide provides a succinct treatment of the general concepts of cell biology, furnishing the computer scientist with the tools necessary to read and understand current literature in the field.

The book explores three different facets of biology: biological systems, experimental methods, and language and...

Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA (The Wiley Finance Series)
Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA (The Wiley Finance Series)
In today's increasingly competitive financial world, successful risk management, portfolio management, and financial structuring demand more than up-to-date financial know-how. They also call for quantitative expertise, including the ability to effectively apply mathematical modeling tools and techniques, in this case credit.

Credit Risk...

Beginning JavaScript, 3rd Edition (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning JavaScript, 3rd Edition (Programmer to Programmer)

Do you want to create more exciting web applications that will increase visits to your site? With this up-to-date guide, you'll find everything you'll need to know to develop interactive, robust, and personalized pages using JavaScript. It takes you step by step through this powerful scripting language so you can begin enhancing your site right...

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

You know you need to analyze the success of your Web site, but how? Do you even know what to look for? Is there a tool powerful enough to help you evaluate your marketing efforts, products, and services, but simple enough to use if you're not a propeller-head?

Google Analytics is that tool, and this is the handbook you need to make it...

Smart Card Applications: Design models for using and programming smart cards
Smart Card Applications: Design models for using and programming smart cards

A practical guide to the specification, design, and programming of smart card systems for working applications.

More than 1 billion smartcards are produced every year. Generally defined as any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits or chips, they have a huge number of applications including travel...

Introducing 3ds Max 9: 3D for Beginners
Introducing 3ds Max 9: 3D for Beginners

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Video game and feature-film artists have used 3ds Max to create Halo 2, King Kong, Myst V, and more. Now you can harness this popular animation software with the clear, step-by-step instruction in this easy-to-follow guide.

Introducing 3ds Max 9: 3D...

Dreamweaver CS3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Dreamweaver CS3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Packed with the latest Dreamweaver tips and techniques

Get up to speed fast and start creating dynamite Web sites!

Do you want to create a sophisticated Web site that's easy to develop and maintain? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Web developer, this friendly guide shows you how to...

Upgrading & Fixing PCs For Dummies
Upgrading & Fixing PCs For Dummies

Covers upgrades for gaming, digital video, and entertainment!

Transform your PC into a glitch-free, turbocharged, multimedia machine

Want to add punch to your PC? This handy reference helps add power to your old computer. Easy steps show you how to add memory, update your virus...

Enterprise Information Systems V
Enterprise Information Systems V
The purpose of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2003) was to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of information systems. The conference focused mainly on the following main topics : Information Systems: Databases and Information Systems...
SQL Server 2005 Bible
SQL Server 2005 Bible
Use this comprehensive tutorial and reference to increase productivity and write stored procedures using the language with which you're most familiar. The revised content covers new features such as XML integration, Web services, the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), and security updates, making this book a must for any developer or database...
Computing Attitude and Affect in Text: Theory and Applications (The Information Retrieval Series)
Computing Attitude and Affect in Text: Theory and Applications (The Information Retrieval Series)
Human Language Technology (HLT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems have typically focused on the "factual" aspect of content analysis. Other aspects, including pragmatics, opinion, and style, have received much less attention. However, to achieve an adequate understanding of a text, these aspects cannot be ignored....
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