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Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) lies at the crossroads of many scientific areas including artificial intelligence, computer vision, face recognition, motion tracking, etc. In order for HCI systems to interact seamlessly with people, they need to understand their environment through vision and auditory input. Moreover, HCI systems should learn how...
Professional SQL Server 2005 Administration (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional SQL Server 2005 Administration (Wrox Professional Guides)

SQL Server 2005 is the largest leap forward for SQL Server since its inception. With this update comes new features that will challenge even the most experienced SQL Server DBAs. Written by a team of some of the best SQL Server experts in the industry, this comprehensive tutorial shows you how to navigate the vastly changed landscape of the SQL...

Principles of CMOS VLSI Design (VLSI systems series)
Principles of CMOS VLSI Design (VLSI systems series)
With this updated text, Weste conveys an understanding of CMOS technology, circuit design, layout, and system design sufficient to feel confident with the technology. The book deals the technology down to the layout level of detail, thereby providing a bridge from a circuit to a form that may be fabricated. The early chapters provide a circuit view...
Automated Deduction in Geometry: 4th International Workshop, ADG 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 4-6, 2002
Automated Deduction in Geometry: 4th International Workshop, ADG 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 4-6, 2002
Automated deduction in geometry has several roots that go back to developments in the 20th century. These fundamental methods in ADG are the quantifier elimination method of Tarski and Collins, the method of characteristic sets of Ritt and Wu, and the Gröbner basis method of Buchberger. Based on these algorithmic techniques various geometric...
Spring in Action
Spring in Action
Spring in Action 2E is an expanded, completely updated second edition of the best selling Spring in Action. Written by Craig Walls, one of Manning's best writers, this book covers the exciting new features of Spring 2.0, which was released in October 2006.

Spring is a lightweight container framework that represents an...

Smart Graphics: 4th International Symposium, SG 2004, Banff, Canada, May 23-25, 2004, Proceedings
Smart Graphics: 4th International Symposium, SG 2004, Banff, Canada, May 23-25, 2004, Proceedings
The International Symposium on Smart Graphics 2004 was held on May 23–25, 2004 in Banff, Canada. It was the fifth event in a series which originally started in 2000 as a AAAI Spring Symposium. In response to the overwhelming success of the 2000 symposium, its organizers decided to turn it into a self-contained event in 2001. With the support...
Flash ActionScript: Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Flash-enhanced Web Sites
Flash ActionScript: Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Flash-enhanced Web Sites

Your visual blueprint for creating Flash-enhanced Web sites
Plus sample graphics, a searchable e-version of the book, and more

Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you’ll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 130...

Game Physics Engine Development (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology)
Game Physics Engine Development (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology)
Simulating physics helps cutting-edge games distinguish themselves by making virtual objects behave as we expect them to in the real world. Physics engines are the software programs that run these simulations. Building an engine is difficult, however. There are a large number of new developers (and hobbyists) coming into this market who need help...
Expert SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (Programmer to Programmer)
Expert SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (Programmer to Programmer)

Developing data processing extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) solutions is now easier than ever with this practical guide. It shows you how to apply the components of SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) to build an enterprise ETL application that scales and performs to your specifications. You'll not only learn how to design...

Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing -- ICAISC 2004: 7th International Conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 7-11, 2004
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing -- ICAISC 2004: 7th International Conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 7-11, 2004
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2004, held in Zakopane, Poland in June 2004.

The 172 revised contributed papers presented together with 17 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 250 submissions. The papers are organized in...

MCITP Developer: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data Access Design and Optimization Study Guide: Exam 70-442
MCITP Developer: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data Access Design and Optimization Study Guide: Exam 70-442

Get the preparation you need for exam 70-442, PRO: Designing and Optimizing Data Access by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, one of two required exams in the Microsoft MCITP: Database Developer certification path. Your essential guide to Microsoft's new SQL Server 2005 certification features practical and in-depth coverage, including:

The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle
The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle

Knowledge is power, and the power can be yours

While Oracle continues to improve the security features of its product, it still has a long way to go. David Litchfield has devoted years to relentlessly searching out the flaws in this ubiquitous database system and creating defenses against them. Now he offers you...

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