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Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World
Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World

An in-depth look at biometrics, focused on critical issues such as accuracy, privacy, technology capabilities, and cost-effective deployment

No longer a science fiction solution, biometric technologies are being deployed by thousands of companies and public agencies to increase security, protect personal information, and reduce...

Linux For Dummies 8th Edition
Linux For Dummies 8th Edition

Everything you need to install, run, and optimize Linux on your desktop

Here's how to start using Linux, the popular and free operating system

Want to do the same tasks you can with Windows, except for free? Linux is the alternative open source operating system that's beloved by users...

CCNP BCMSN Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
CCNP BCMSN Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
All the BCMSN 642-812 commands in one compact, portable resource

Preparing for the CCNP® certification? Working as a network professional? Here are all the CCNP-level commands for the BCMSN exam you need in one condensed, portable resource. The CCNP BCMSN Portable Command Guide is filled with valuable, easy-to-access...

Applescript Scripting Additions Guide (ATL)
Applescript Scripting Additions Guide (ATL)
Since 1985, Apple and Addison-Wesley have been publishing authoritative books about Apple technologies. The Apple Technical Library provides Macintosh developers with the official treatment of all the major new technologies that Apple releases. Timely, accurate, and clear, this collection of books is the essential resource for...
LAN Switch Security: What Hackers Know About Your Switches (Networking Technology: Security)
LAN Switch Security: What Hackers Know About Your Switches (Networking Technology: Security)
LAN and Ethernet switches are usually considered as plumbing. They are easy to install and configure, but it is easy to forget about security when things appear to be simple.

Multiple vulnerabilities exist in Ethernet switches. Attack tools to exploit them started to appear a couple of years ago (for example, the well-known dsniff
End-to-End Network Security: Defense-in-Depth
End-to-End Network Security: Defense-in-Depth
The network security lifecycle requires specialized support and a commitment to best practice standards. In this book, you will learn best practices that draw upon disciplined processes, frameworks, expert advice, and proven technologies that will help you protect your infrastructure and organization. You will learn end-to-end security best...
Handbook of Virtual Humans
Handbook of Virtual Humans
Virtual Humans simulations are becoming increasingly popular and many systems are now available to animate Virtual Humans. Such systems encompass several different domains including autonomous agents in virtual environments, human factors analysis, training, education, virtual prototyping, simulation–based design and entertainment.


Excel Charts
Excel Charts
Everything you need to know about
  • Creating and formatting high-impact charts for business, science, and education
  • Selecting the correct chart for your data
  • Customizing your charts with pictures, graphics, and shapes
  • Understanding the tricks of the trade that enable you to create...
i-mode Strategy
i-mode Strategy

i-mode and Java join forces to open the door to global commerce

Since its introduction in February 1999 i-mode has become the world's largest wireless Internet service with more than 35 million subscribers and revenues of over ¥700 billion. Along with sharp increases in the number of users and the volume of revenues, the last 2...

Knowledge Management Systems: Value Shop Creation
Knowledge Management Systems: Value Shop Creation
was the value chain developed by Porter (1985). Insights emerged, however, that many organizations have no inbound or outbound logistics of importance, they don’t produce goods in a sequential way and they don’t make money only at the end of their value creation. Therefore, two alternative value configurations have been identified:...
Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
This volume presents selected, extended and reviewed versions of the papers presented at the 1st International Workshop on Regulated Agent Systems: Theory and Applications (RASTA 2002), a workshop co-located with the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2002), which was held in Bologna, Italy, in...
Digital Crime And Forensic Science in Cyberspace
Digital Crime And Forensic Science in Cyberspace
itself. Forensics—the process, means, and methods for collecting crime evidence—can be said to date back to the 18th century stemming from forensic medicine and studies of anatomy and fingerprints. Crime manifests itself in various ways and forms and digital crime is the newest one. As the essence of the various forms of crime has...
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