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Applied Cryptanalysis: Breaking Ciphers in the Real World
Applied Cryptanalysis: Breaking Ciphers in the Real World
The book is designed to be accessible to motivated IT professionals who want to learn more about the specific attacks covered. In particular, every effort has been made to keep the chapters independent, so if someone is interested in has function cryptanalysis or RSA timing attacks, they do not necessarily need to study all of the previous material...
High-Performance Client/Server
High-Performance Client/Server
"Chris is one of the industry's most important thinkers on database design . . . I would strongly recommend this book to readers trying to get past the buzzwords and focus on what really makes a difference in achieving high-performance distributed systems." —David Stodder Editor-in-Chief, Database Programming & Design...
HTTP Essentials: Protocols for Secure, Scaleable Web Sites
HTTP Essentials: Protocols for Secure, Scaleable Web Sites
Get inside HTTP and learn to build bulletproof Web sites

"This book is about what makes the Web tick. It explains the protocol that defines how Web browsers communicate with Web servers, the mechanisms that keep that communication secure from counterfeits and eavesdroppers, and the technologies that accelerate our Web experience."...

Task Scheduling for Parallel Systems (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Task Scheduling for Parallel Systems (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)

A new model for task scheduling that dramatically improves the efficiency of parallel systems

Task scheduling for parallel systems can become a quagmire of heuristics, models, and methods that have been developed over the past decades. The author of this innovative text cuts through the confusion and complexity by...

Visibility Algorithms in the Plane
Visibility Algorithms in the Plane
A human observer can effortlessly identify visible portions of geometric objects present in the environment. However, computations of visible portions of objects from a viewpoint involving thousands of objects is a time consuming task even for high speed computers. To solve such visibility problems, efficient algorithms have been designed. This...
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Second Edition
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Second Edition
The study of data structures, a fundamental component of a computer science education, serves as the foundation upon many other computer science fields are built. Some knowledge of data structures is a must for students who wish to do work in design implementation, testing, or maintenace of virtually any software system. The scope and presentation...
Design Reliability: Fundamentals and Applications
Design Reliability: Fundamentals and Applications
As engineering systems become more and more complex, industry has recognized the importance of system and product reliability and places ever increasing emphasis on it during the design phase. Despite its efforts, however, industry continues to lose billions of dollars each year because of unexpected system failures. Therefore, it becomes...
Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers (Embedded Technology)
Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers (Embedded Technology)
This comprehensive textbook provides a broad and in-depth overview of embedded systems architecture for engineering students and embedded systems professionals. The book is well suited for undergraduate embedded systems courses in electronics/electrical engineering and engineering technology (EET) departments in universities and colleges, as well...
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers
'The latest edition of this practical introduction to the basics of reliabilty, maintainability and safety introduces new sections on the accuracy of reliability prediction methods, common cause failures in systems, and expands and updates the descriptions of recent safety standards, in particular ISO 61508 and the use of 'Safety Integrity Levels'...
Embedded Multitasking (Embedded Technology)
Embedded Multitasking (Embedded Technology)
In an embedded system, firmware is the software that directly interfaces with the microcontroller, controlling the systems function. The major forces driving the embedded firmware development process today are reduced development times, increased complexity, and the need to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. These forces translate into strenuous...
CMOS Imagers: From Phototransduction to Image Processing (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
CMOS Imagers: From Phototransduction to Image Processing (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
This is the first book published on CMOS imagers. It covers the full chain, starting from the basic concepts of photo transduction, and continues with pixel and system examples of CMOS Active Pixel Sensor (APS) imagers.

CMOS Imagers: From Phototransduction to Image Processing
contains six contributed chapters. The first
Wireless Mesh Networks
Wireless Mesh Networks
Wireless mesh networking is a new technology that has the potential to revolutionize how we access the Internet and communicate with co-workers and friends. Wireless Mesh Networks examines the concept and explores its advantages over existing technologies. This book explores existing and future applications, and examines how some of the networking...
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