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Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
Automated Data Analysis Using Excel
Because the analysis of copious amounts of data and the preparation of custom reports often take away time from true research, the automation of these processes is paramount to ensure productivity. Exploring the core areas of automation, report generation, data acquisition, and data analysis, Automated Data Analysis Using Excel illustrates how to...
Issues and Trends in Technology and Human Interaction (Advances in Technology and Human Interaction)
Issues and Trends in Technology and Human Interaction (Advances in Technology and Human Interaction)
purposes of humans. It often has unintended and unexpected effects on humans and can be used for purposes other than originally planned. While technology cannot exist without humans, one can equally well argue that humans cannot exist without technology. This relationship touches on many fundamental questions of anthropology, ontology, and...
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 27th Annual German Conference in AI, KI 2004, Ulm, Germany, September 20-24, 2004
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 27th Annual German Conference in AI, KI 2004, Ulm, Germany, September 20-24, 2004
KI 2004 was the 27th edition of the annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers

from all areas of AI and which enjoys increasing international attendance. KI 2004 received 103 submissions from 26 countries. This volume contains the 30 papers that were
Global IT Management: A Practical Approach
Global IT Management: A Practical Approach
Global IT Management presents a practical approach for initiating and reinforcing global IT, focusing on the mechanisms that need to be put in place to effectively manage IT architecture, strategy, standards, and control across sites in a multinational firm. Key considerations are explained for each domain together with concrete...
Implementing Service Quality in IP Networks
Implementing Service Quality in IP Networks

Why implement service quality? Is it possible to ensure reliable service quality in multi-service IP networks? Which technologies help in making end-to-end quality of service a realistic business proposition?

In Implementing Service Quality in IP Networks, Vilho Räisänen answers these questions and more. The author...

Software Reflected: The Socially Responsible Programming of Our Computers
Software Reflected: The Socially Responsible Programming of Our Computers
In 2480 B.C. a development occurred which was to have a tremendous impact on Mocsian society. A small group of civil engineerine teachers at the most advanced institution worked out a new techniLlue for designing a building. Key elements of this technique were several new structural geometries and the application of a newly developed mathematical...
Information Theory and Reliable Communication
Information Theory and Reliable Communication
This book is designed primarily for use as a first-year graduate text in information theory, suitable for both engineers and mathematicians. It is assumed that the reader has some understanding of freshman calculus and elementary probability, and in the later chapters some introductory random process theory. Unfortunately there is one more...
Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless Local Area Networks (Engineering and Computer Science)
Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless Local Area Networks (Engineering and Computer Science)
The tendency towards more mobility and flexibility favors wireless networks for future broadband services, especially in local area and residential networks. Two major challenges in developing such high data-rate wireless networks are the channel distortion caused by multipath propagation and the limitations on bandwidth usage. In this book,...
Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers
Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers
Continued advances in information technologies are enabling a growing number of physical devices to be imbued with computingand communications capabilities. Aircraft, cars, household appliances, cellular telephones, and health monitoring devices all contain microprocessors that are being linked with other information processing devices. Such...
Understanding Wap : Wireless Applications, Devices, and Services (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Understanding Wap : Wireless Applications, Devices, and Services (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Over the last five years or so a revolution has taken place, and continues to do so, that is changing the way we communicate and interact with each other and our environment. The advent of the Internet and the ubiquitous presence of mobile personal communications systems are the most prominent examples of this. The Internet has made it possible to...
Using SAS in Financial Research
Using SAS in Financial Research
Researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in the financial market now have the first reference-style handbook detailing the mechanics of statistical testing on financial and accounting data. This one-of-a-kind book illustrates how to use SAS software to conduct basic empirical analyses of stock market and financial statement data. It covers...
Government Data Centers: Meeting Increasing Demands
Government Data Centers: Meeting Increasing Demands
As repositories of the nation’s environmental data, U.S. government data centers are constantly evolving. The data they collect, disseminate, and archive are critical to assessing the state of the earth and our effect on it. As the data record grows, so does our understanding of the environment. However, because of the increasing amount and...
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