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Oracle 10g RAC Grid, Services & Clustering
Oracle 10g RAC Grid, Services & Clustering
Oracle RAC and grid technology is transforming the economics of high-end database computing and is a technology that all Oracle professionals should become familiar with. Murali is one of the worlds foremost independent experts on Oracle RAC technology and his book contains everything you need to become proficient in both the theory and practice...
CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Exams 640-816 and 640-802) (2nd Edition)
CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Exams 640-816 and 640-802) (2nd Edition)
Congratulations! If you're reading far enough to look at the introduction to this book, you've probably already decided to go for your Cisco certification. If you want to succeed as a technical person in the networking industry, you need to know Cisco. Cisco has a ridiculously high market share in the router and switch marketplace, with more than...
Linear Genetic Programming (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Linear Genetic Programming (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Linear Genetic Programming presents a variant of genetic programming (GP) that evolves imperative computer programs as linear sequences of instructions, in contrast to the more traditional functional expressions or syntax trees. Primary characteristics of linear program structure are exploited to achieve acceleration of both execution time and...
Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL APIs (Expert's Voice in Java)
Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL APIs (Expert's Voice in Java)
Create strange lands filled with mysterious objects (cows frozen in blocks of ice, chirping penguins, golden globes with wavering eyes) and throw away your keyboard and mouse, to go exploring armed only with a gamepad, power glove, or just your bare hands…

Java gaming expert Andrew Davison will show you how to develop...

Anti-Spam Measures: Analysis and Design
Anti-Spam Measures: Analysis and Design
The primary goal of this work is the methodical analysis of the potential, limitations, advantages, and drawbacks of anti-spam measures. These determine to which extent the measures can contribute to the reduction of spam in the long run. The range of considered anti-spam measures includes legislative, organizational, behavioral and technological...
Test and Analysis of Web Services
Test and Analysis of Web Services
The service-oriented approach has become more and more popular, now allowing highly integrated and yet heterogeneous applications. Web services are the natural evolution of conventional middleware technologies to support Web-based and enterprise-level integration.

The highly dynamic characteristics of service-oriented applications means...

Environmental Modeling: Using MATLAB
Environmental Modeling: Using MATLAB
The book has two aims: to introduce basic concepts of environmental modeling and to facilitate the application of the concepts using modern numerical tools such as MATLAB. It is targeted at all natural scientists dealing with the environment: process and chemical engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, biochemists, hydrogeologists, geochemists...
Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux (Scientific and Engineering Computation)
Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux (Scientific and Engineering Computation)
Beowulf clusters, which exploit mass-market PC hardware and software in conjunction with cost-effective commercial network technology, are becoming the platform for many scientific, engineering, and commercial applications. With growing popularity has come growing complexity. Addressing that complexity, Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux and...
CCIE Professional Development: Large Scale IP Network Solutions
CCIE Professional Development: Large Scale IP Network Solutions
CCIE Professional Development: Large-Scale IP Network Solutions is a core textbook for preparation for the CCIE Routing and Switching exam track. As well as CCIE preparation, Large-Scale IP Network Solutions provides solutions for network engineers as IP networks grow and become more complex. The book discusses all major IP protocols in depth,...
Fedora 7 Unleashed
Fedora 7 Unleashed
Welcome to Fedora 7 Unleashed! This book covers the free Linux distribution named Fedora and includes a fully functional and complete operating system produced by the Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat.

Fedora is directly descended from one of the most popular Linux distributions ever: Red Hat Linux. Those of you who know nothing...

Project Management Step by Step: The Proven, Practical Guide to Running a Successful Project, Every Time
Project Management Step by Step: The Proven, Practical Guide to Running a Successful Project, Every Time
The proven, practical guide to running a successful project, every time

“This straightforward and insightful approach gives results. It provides enough structure to ensure visibility and reliable delivery without smothering you with paperwork. It's no nonsense real change for the real world.” Matthew Deardon, CEO, BT...

Exploring IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Servers: See Why IBM's Redesigned Mainframe Computer Family Has Become More Popular than Ever!
Exploring IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Servers: See Why IBM's Redesigned Mainframe Computer Family Has Become More Popular than Ever!
Considered the bible of the IBM zSeries and S/390 world, this new edition closely examines the role large computers will play in the new century. All the new hardware models and operating system products—Linux, VSE, MVS, VM, AIX, and Open Edition—are now available for the zSeries and are fully explained, as are critical business issues...
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