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Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery
Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery
"An impressive book. An important book."--Jamie Lee Curtis

"I blame mirrors. If it weren't for them we wouldn't need plastic surgeons. In the meantime, anyone tempted to re-shape face, body and mind by means of knife should first read Blum's intelligent, persuasive and absorbing book. Both enticed and alarmed, the reader
Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computers)
Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computers)
9 books in 1—your key to success with Java!

Your one-stop guide to taming Java® and boosting your developer skills

Want to start programming with Java? This handy resource packs all the Java essentials you need into one easy-to-use guide. It's been fully updated for Java 6, covering...

Structural Analysis with Finite Elements
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements

Structural Analysis with Finite Elements, 2nd Edition provides a solid introduction to the foundation and the application of the finite element method in structural analysis. It offers new theoretical insight and practical advice on why finite element results are 'wrong,' why support reactions are relatively accurate, why stresses at...

Biometric Authentication: First International Conference, ICBA 2004, Hong Kong, China, July 15-17, 2004
Biometric Authentication: First International Conference, ICBA 2004, Hong Kong, China, July 15-17, 2004
The past decade has seen a rapid growth in the demand for biometric-based authentication solutions for a number of applications. With significant advances in biometric technology and an increase in the number of applications incorporating biometrics, it is essential that we bring together researchers from academia and industry as well as...
Perl 5 Quick Reference (Quick Reference Series)
Perl 5 Quick Reference (Quick Reference Series)
This book is a reference guide for the programming language called Perl. This book does not describe how to install Perl on your computer; if you do not already have Perl installed, this book will not be very useful!

Perl has many uses, especially in UNIX system administrative tasks, which is where Perl was born and grew up. The name
Special Edition Using Perl 5 for Web Programming
Special Edition Using Perl 5 for Web Programming
Back in 1986, a UNIX programmer by the name of Larry Wall found himself working on a task that involved generating reports from a great many text files, with cross-references. Because he was a UNIX programmer, and because the problem involved manipulating the contents of text files, he started to use awk for the task. But it soon became clear that...
Which Rights Should Be Universal?
Which Rights Should Be Universal?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident..." So begins the U.S. Declaration of Independence. What follows those words is a ringing endorsement of universal rights, but it is far from self-evident. Why did the authors claim that it was? William Talbott suggests that they were trapped by a presupposition of Enlightenment philosophy: That...
Janitors, Street Vendors, and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley
Janitors, Street Vendors, and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley
"In a time when we have great need to understand Mexican immigrants and their place in U.S. society, Zlolniski offers a superior analysis of why and how advanced capitalist economies employ undocumented workers. After reading his book, we will never think again of immigration as something that exclusively comes from outside. The immigrants,...
Encryption in a Windows Environment: EFS File, 802.1x Wireless, IPSec Transport, and S/MIME Exchange
Encryption in a Windows Environment: EFS File, 802.1x Wireless, IPSec Transport, and S/MIME Exchange
With the current business, government, and institutional focus on security, organizations are scrambling to make their networks more secure. Although encryption is nothing new to Windows, recent advances in Microsoft® Windows 2003 and Microsoft® Windows XP have drastically simplified the support of encryption technologies in Windows...
Trilaterals Over America
Trilaterals Over America
This is a new book entirely rewritten with new material and updated from the 1976 version of TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON.

About the Author

Antony C. Sutton, D.Sc. was born in London, England, in 1925, spent most of his life in the United States and has been a citizen for 40 years.

With an...

Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity
Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity
Reaching beyond statistics and prevalent assumptions, Uninsured in America goes to the heart of why more than forty million Americans are falling through the cracks in the health care system, and what it means for society as a whole when so many people suffer the consequences of inadequate medical care. Based on interviews with 120 uninsured men...
Microsoft  SQL Server(TM) 2005 Integration Services Step by Step
Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005 Integration Services Step by Step
Get hands-on, practical guidance for using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, the next generation data integration platform from Microsoft. Integration Services is a powerful tool for business intelligence, so understanding the essentials--how to develop and deploy SSIS packages, as well as how to apply these skills to data warehousing...
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