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WebDAV: Next-Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
WebDAV: Next-Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
The definitive guide to WebDAV authoring, management, and publishing.

Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is the IETF standard protocol for Web site authoring and wide area collaboration. WebDAV's document sharing and management services make it the ideal platform for Internet file and data management applications. This...

Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology, Fourth Edition
Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology, Fourth Edition
This book provides a full and comprehensive coverage of video and television technology including the latest developments in display equipment, HDTV and DVD. Starting with TV fundamentals, the bulk of the book covers the many new technologies that are bringing growth to the TV and video market, such as plasma and LCD, DLP (digital light...
Voice and Video Conferencing  Fundamentals
Voice and Video Conferencing Fundamentals
As audio and video conferencing move rapidly into the mainstream, customers and end users are demanding unprecedented performance, reliability, scalability, and security. In Voice and Video Conferencing Fundamentals, three leading experts systematically introduce the principles, technologies, and protocols...
Geometry for Computer Graphics: Formulae, Examples and Proofs
Geometry for Computer Graphics: Formulae, Examples and Proofs
Geometry is the cornerstone of computer graphics and computer animation, and provides the framework and tools for solving problems in two and three dimensions. This may be in the form of describing simple shapes such as a circle, ellipse, or parabola, or complex problems such as rotating 3D objects about an arbitrary axis. Geometry for Computer...
Cisco Packetized Voice & Data Integration
Cisco Packetized Voice & Data Integration
The Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Voice and Data within a Cisco Network

Cisco Packetized Voice and Data Integration gives you the knowledge and insight to quickly get up to speed on planning, designing, and implementing Cisco-based voice and data networks. Through the use of real-world examples, case studies, and detailed configuration...

Objects, Agents, and Features: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February 16-21, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers
Objects, Agents, and Features: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February 16-21, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers
This book is the outcome of an international research seminar on objects, agents, and features held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany in February 2003.

In recent years, concepts in object-oriented modeling and programming have been extended in variuos directions, giving rise to new paradigms such as agent-orientation and feature orientation. This...

CGI Programming with Perl
CGI Programming with Perl
Programming on the Web today can involve any of several technologies, but the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) has held its ground as the most mature method--and one of the most powerful ones--of providing dynamic web content. CGI is a generic interface for calling external programs to crunch numbers, query databases, generate customized graphics, or...
Build Your Own Combat Robot
Build Your Own Combat Robot
Experience the excitement of building your own champion battling bot!

Build a powerful and invincible robot--for full-blown competition or just for fun--using this authoritative robot resource. This team of experts gives you an inside look at the innovative new world of robotic combat, explaining the origins of the sport as well as all the...

Web Publishing with PHP and FileMaker 9
Web Publishing with PHP and FileMaker 9
Whether you are a FileMaker developer who is new to web publishing, a web developer who is new to FileMaker, or a complete beginner looking to put your data online, this book is for you.

In Part I, you learn the basics of how...

PMP Exam Cram 2
PMP Exam Cram 2

PMP Exam Cram 2 offers concise information mixed with real-world scenarios delivered in an approachable, friendly style. This book is the perfect complement to the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). This Exam Cram 2 will help you make sure you've nailed important concepts and know exactly what the exam will cover. It...

Semantics, Web and Mining: Joint International Workshop, EWMF 2005 and KDO 2005, Porto, Portugal, October 3-7, 2005
Semantics, Web and Mining: Joint International Workshop, EWMF 2005 and KDO 2005, Porto, Portugal, October 3-7, 2005
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and extended post-proceedings of the joint European Web Mining Forum, EWMF 2005, and the International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies, KDO 2005, held in association with ECML/PKDD in Porto, Portugal in October 2005.

The 10 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited paper...

Novell's CNE Update to NetWare 6 Study Guide
Novell's CNE Update to NetWare 6 Study Guide
Novell certifies thousands of professionals worldwide to manage and support their IT products. Novell certifications involve real-world requirements and performance-based testing. The quality of Novell certified professionals set the Novell certification programs about the rest of the global standard for the IT industry. Eighty percent of hiring...
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