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PostScript(R)  Language Reference Manual (2nd Edition)
PostScript(R) Language Reference Manual (2nd Edition)
Programmers who specialize in PostScript, the page-description language, now have a newly updated reference guide for LanguageLevel 3. PostScriptВ® Language Reference starts off with a bit of history on the language and an overview of the new version. It goes on to cover basic topics such as raster output devices, scan conversion,...
Integrating Erp, Supply Chain Management, And Smart Materials
Integrating Erp, Supply Chain Management, And Smart Materials
Organizations enjoy two kinds of strategic advantages. One is transitory: being in the right place with the right products at the right time. The other comes from having first class management and instituting processes that mobilize an organization, keeping in ahead of the competition. Which would you like to count on for your organization's...
WiMAX: Standards and Security
WiMAX: Standards and Security
As the demand for broadband services continues to grow worldwide, traditional solutions, such as digital cable and fiber optics, are often difficult and expensive to implement, especially in rural and remote areas. The emerging WiMAX system satisfies the growing need for high data-rate applications such as voiceover IP, video conferencing,...
Beginning PHP and Oracle: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
Beginning PHP and Oracle: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
Beginning PHP and Oracle: From Novice to Professional offers comprehensive information on using the PHP scripting language in conjunction with Oracle's database platform. PHP is one of the most prominent open source technologies in the area of web development, while Oracle is one of the most widely deployed and used database products....
Design Patterns for eScience (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
Design Patterns for eScience (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
This is a book about a code and about coding. The code is a case study which has been used to teach courses in e-Science at the Australian National University since 2001. Students learn advanced programming skills and techniques in the JavaTM language. Above all, they learn to apply useful object-oriented design patterns as they progressively...
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and Applications--BSD Socket Version (2nd Edition)
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and Applications--BSD Socket Version (2nd Edition)
This is a revised version of this volume. Changes in this edition include: Code has been updated to use ANSI C and the UNIX operating systems (POSIX). Covers SLIP connections (a popular program that allows TCP/IP access to the Internet over dial-up phone systems. Latest changes in Network File System protocol (NFS3). This edition focuses on...
Elements of Quantum Information
Elements of Quantum Information
'Elements of Quantum Information' introduces the reader to the fascinating field of quantum information processing, which lives on the interface between computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. This interdisciplinary branch of science thrives on the use of quantum mechanics as a resource for high potential modern applications. With...
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
Ruby is an agile object-oriented language, borrowing some of the best features from LISP, Smalltalk, Perl, CLU, and other languages. Its popularity has grown tremendously in the five years since the first edition of this book.


The Ruby Way takes a “how-to” approach to Ruby...

Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production
Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production

Take Control of Your Designs and Production Workflow Using InDesign

Adobe's InDesign gives you more creative freedom than you've ever experienced in the world of professional layout and design. The problem is that learning how to work with this powerful software can be a difficult and frustrating process.

Final Cut Express HD 3.5 Editing Workshop, Third Edition
Final Cut Express HD 3.5 Editing Workshop, Third Edition
Go beyond the mechanics of Final Cut Express HD 3.5--learn how to edit with it! More than a button-pushing manual--this workshop give you firsthand experience with the art and technique of editing. You develop a working knowledge of this powerful editing application with eleven tutorials that cover each and every essential, including:

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
The future looks bright for Web developers! With Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium, you now have fantastic tools that enable you to create a wide array of content and graphics to deploy on a Web site that is dynamic and easy to maintain.

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is a hands-on,...

Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Layout
Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Layout
Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and Layout is the first book to offer a complete guide on how to use the OrCAD design suite to design and manufacture printed circuit boards. Professionals and students will find this book to be an easily accessible resource covering topics from the basic PCB design principles to advanced levels of specific...
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