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AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hobart, Australia
AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hobart, Australia
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2006, held in Hobart, Australia in December 2006.

The 89 revised full papers and 70 revised short papers presented together with the extended abstracts of 4 invited speeches were carefully reviewed and selected from 689...

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators
Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators

The First Practical Guide to the Use of Photoshop in Forensics Investigations

This timely book is the first to take the forensic use of digital imaging out of the classroom and into the real world for law enforcement, legal, and other forensics professionals. How do you show the exact position or...

The Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition
The Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition
Now in its fifth edition, John C. Russ's monumental image processing reference is an even more complete, modern, and hands-on tool than ever before. The Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition is fully updated and expanded to reflect the latest developments in the field.

A companion CD-ROM to this edition is available and includes more
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agile Processes in Software Engineering and eXtreme Programming, XP 2007, held in Como, Italy in June 2007.

The 10 revised full papers and 16 revised short papers presented together with 4 poster papers, 18 experience papers, 2 research ideas and 3 panel...

Microsoft Outlook 2007 Bible
Microsoft Outlook 2007 Bible
Discover all the ways Outlook can make your life easier

Outlook has been called the Swiss army knife of applications, and with good reason. In one handy package, you get the tools you use constantly—e-mail, a calendar and appointment book, a contacts list, a to-do list, and more. Learn to use them together, and you have a sophisticated...

Web Programming Unleashed
Web Programming Unleashed
This comprehensive tome explores all aspects of the latest technology craze-Internet programming. Programmers will turn to the proven expertise of the Unleashed series for accurate, day-and-date information on this hot new programming subject.

Today, the Internet and intranets are exploding like wildfire. The article, "VISA Moves to
Mastering Photoshop CS3 for Print Design and Production
Mastering Photoshop CS3 for Print Design and Production
For a long time now, Photoshop has reigned as the premier image-editing application for print designers and production artists. In fact, those of us in the print and publishing fields have become so dependent on Photoshop that it’s hard to imagine life without it. In the early days of Photoshop, it was considered primarily a tool for graphic...
Cisco ASA, PIX, and FWSM Firewall Handbook (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology: Security)
Cisco ASA, PIX, and FWSM Firewall Handbook (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology: Security)
David Hucaby, CCIE® No. 4594, is a lead network engineer for the University of Kentucky, where he works with health-care networks based on the Cisco Catalyst, ASA, FWSM, and VPN product lines. He was one of the beta reviewers of the ASA 8.0 operating system software.
  • Learn about the various firewall models, user interfaces,...
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft(R) Office 2007 All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft(R) Office 2007 All in One
Microsoft Corporation's Office products have an installed base of more than 25 million licensed users. More than 90% of the Fortune 500 companies use Microsoft Office. Microsoft completely redesigned the Office interface when it produced Office 2007. Microsoft's goal was to make the Office 2007 interface easier than ever to use, as well as more...
Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures
Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures
Examining computer security from the hacker's perspective, Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures employs virtual computers to illustrate how an attack is executed, including the script, compilation, and results.

It provides detailed screen shots in each lab for the reader to follow along in a step-by-step process in order to
Design Recipes for FPGAs
Design Recipes for FPGAs
This book provides a rich toolbox of design techniques and templates to solve practical, every-day problems using FPGAs. Using a modular structure, the book gives easy-to-find design techniques and templates at all levels, together with functional code, which engineers can easily match and apply to their application.

The easy-to-find
Introduction to AutoCAD 2008: 2D and 3D Design
Introduction to AutoCAD 2008: 2D and 3D Design
Master the art of 2D and 3D technical drawing with Alf Yarwood's comprehensive and highly practical introductory guide

Taking the reader step-by-step through the features of AutoCAD, Alf Yarwood provides a practical, structured course of work matched to the latest release of this software. After
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