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Professional Software Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System: Tools for Software Developers and Test Engineers (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Software Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System: Tools for Software Developers and Test Engineers (Programmer to Programmer)
With the introduction of Visual Studio 2005 Team System (VSTS), Microsoft for the first time offers software developers and test engineers a complete and integrated suite of tools for software testing. This authoritative book shares with you best practices for software testing using VSTS test and development tools and covers all phases of the...
Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Cluster to Grid Computing
Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Cluster to Grid Computing
The sixthAustrian-HungarianWorkshop onDistributed and Parallel Systems is organized jointly byUniversity of Innsbruck and theMTASZTAKIComputer and Automation Research Institute. The series of workshops started as a small regional meeting early in the nineties, and since then it evolved a lot and became an acknowledged international scientific...
Designing Embedded Processors: A Low Power Perspective
Designing Embedded Processors: A Low Power Perspective
As we embrace the world of personal, portable, and perplexingly complex digital systems, it has befallen upon the bewildered designer to take advantage of the available transistors to produce a system which is small, fast, cheap and correct, yet possesses increased functionality.

Increasingly, these systems have to consume little energy....

Flash Video for Professionals: Expert Techniques for Integrating Video on the Web
Flash Video for Professionals: Expert Techniques for Integrating Video on the Web
If your site needs video, you need this book

Now there's a single definitive source for everything Flash developers need to know to integrate cutting-edge video into a website—seamlessly. Whether your Flash skills focus on design or programming, this guide helps you with every phase from writing the project proposal to...

Learn Microsoft VISIO 2002: For the Advanced User (Wordware Visio Library)
Learn Microsoft VISIO 2002: For the Advanced User (Wordware Visio Library)
Microsoft Visio 2002 is known for its drag and drop simplicity: to create a diagram, you drag a shape from a stencil into the drawing page. It’s that simple. Then, connect the shapes with lines. Add some text, and then print your diagram. You’re done — in just a couple of minutes!

Many people use Visio in exactly that
Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems: Selected Contributions from FDL06
Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems: Selected Contributions from FDL06
Embedded systems are meanwhile in the focus of industry in quite different application domains such as automotive, avionics, telecom, and consumer products. The need for a shift in design methodologies towards system level design is widely recognised and design flows aimed to an integration of software and hardware specification and implementation...
Pro SQL Server 2005 Service Broker (Expert's Voice)
Pro SQL Server 2005 Service Broker (Expert's Voice)
Pro SQL Server 2005 Service Broker, by Klaus Aschenbrenner, an international expert on Service Broker, explains why Microsoft introduced Service Broker and describes its big advantages over prior message technologies.

Rich with practical examples, this is the most complete and incisive book on this important new technology, an...

The Agent Modeling Language - AML: A Comprehensive Approach to Modeling Multi-Agent Systems
The Agent Modeling Language - AML: A Comprehensive Approach to Modeling Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-agent systems are already a focus of studies for more than 25 years. Despite substantial effort of an active research community, modeling of multi-agent systems still lacks complete and proper definition, general acceptance, and practical application. Due to the vast potential of these systems e.g. to improve the practice in software and to...
Websphere J2Ee Application Development for the IBM Iseries Server
Websphere J2Ee Application Development for the IBM Iseries Server
WebSphere Application Server 4.0 delivers the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) implementation. It is the IBM strategic Web application server and a key IBM iSeries product for enabling e-business applications. The iSeries server and WebSphere Application Server are a perfect match for hosting e-business applications. You can build J2EE applications...
Excel 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Excel 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Microsoft Excel is a powerful and popular program for organizing and analyzing data. One of its most powerful capabilities is PivotTables, which enable you to pull meaningful information from huge masses of seemingly meaningless data. The name PivotTable comes from one of the most powerful features of Excel—the ability to quickly and easily...
Extreme NXT: Extending the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT to the Next Level (Technology in Action)
Extreme NXT: Extending the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT to the Next Level (Technology in Action)
Extreme NXT: Extending the LEGO MIDSTORMS NXT to the Next Level is for intermediate-level users of NXT who would like to advance their capabilities by learning some of the basics of electronics. Plenty of examples are provided, and easy-to-follow instructions are included for building over 15 different sensors.

This makes a great...

Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research
Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research
This is the first book available for the Metasploit Framework (MSF), which is the attack platform of choice for one of the fastest growing careers in IT security: Penetration Testing. The book and companion Web site will provide professional penetration testers and security researchers with a fully integrated suite of tools for discovering,...
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