 Pro Microsoft Speech Server 2007: Developing Speech Enabled Applications with .NETMicrosoft Speech Server is becoming increasingly popular. There are three primary components developers wanting to develop speech applications need to be familiar with: the Speech SDK, Telephony, and ASP.NET server controls. Each of these can be used independently, but in many cases, all three need to be used to build truly compelling applications.... |  |  Maple By Example, Third Edition"Overall, I found the book very nice to read and easy to follow. All major aspects of Maple that a novice to intermediate user would come across are covered." - Laurent Bernard, Maplesoft, Inc.
"The book is eminently readable with a good narrative style and a good blend of didactic exposition followed by the relevant... |  |  High Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based LightingHigh dynamic range imaging produces images with a much greater range of light and color than conventional imaging. The effect is stunning, as great as the difference between black-and-white and color television. High Dynamic Range Imaging is the first book to describe this exciting new field that is transforming the media and... |
 |  |  |  |  Graphics of Large Datasets: Visualizing a Million (Statistics and Computing)Graphics are great for exploring data, but how can they be used for looking at the large datasets that are commonplace to-day? This book shows how to look at ways of visualizing large datasets, whether large in numbers of cases or large in numbers of variables or large in both. Data visualization is useful for data cleaning, exploring data,... |
 |  |  Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory and PracticeDespite the availability of cheap, fast, accurate and usable eye trackers, there is still little information available on how to develop, implement and use these systems. This second edition of Andrew Duchowski’s successful guide to these systems contains significant additional material on the topic and fills this gap in the market with this... |  |  |
 |  |  An Introduction to Knowledge EngineeringAn Introduction to Knowledge Engineering presents a simple but detailed exploration of current and established work in the field of knowledge-based systems and related technologies. Its treatment of the increasing variety of such systems is designed to provide the reader with a substantial grounding in such technologies as expert systems, neural... |  |  |
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