 GUI Bloopers 2.0: Common User Interface Design Don'ts and DosThe first edition of this book was written in 1998 and 1999. The common application platforms then were MacOS9, Windows98, Windows NT, early versions of Java Swing, and Unix or Linux with CDE/Motif. Although many of the bloopers covered in the first edition are as common now as they were in the late 1990s, the book was starting to look out of date... |  |  Neural Networks Theory"Neural Networks Theory is a major contribution to the neural networks literature. It is a treasure trove that should be mined by the thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide who have not previously had access to the fruits of Soviet and Russian neural network research. Dr. Galushkin is to be congratulated and thanked for his... |  |  Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art (Foundation)If you're interested in creating cutting-edge code-based art and animations, you've come to the right place! Processing (available at www.processing.org) is a revolutionary open source programming language and environment designed to bridge the gap between programming and art, allowing non-programmers to learn programming fundamentals as easily as... |
 Knowledge and Knowledge Systems: Learning from the Wonders of the MindIn recent years there has been a growing interest in the nature of knowledge, its structure, and its utilization. With the advent and eventual proliferation of computers and databases, knowledge has become a commodity embedded in our tools and in machines we use for everyday needs. We produce today more information (and knowledge) in one day than... |  |  Inside SQLiteSQLite is a small, zero-configuration, custom-tailored, embeddable, threadsafe, easily maintainable, transactionoriented, SQL-based, relational database management system. There is no separate install or setup procedure to initialize SQLite before using it. There is no configuration file.
SQLite is open source, and... |  |  |
 Forensic Computing (Practitioner)Throughout this book you will find that we have consistently referred to the term “Forensic Computing” for what is often elsewhere called “Computer Forensics”. In the UK, however,when we first started up, the name “Computer Forensics” had been registered to a commercial company that was operating in this field... |  |  Essential RenderMan®When I wrote Essential RenderMan fast in 2002 it didn’t seem that I was writing about a moving target. The RenderMan API is a standard, and hence doesn’t change radically from release to release. However, once you start writing things down they seem to change far more quickly than you expect.
No sooner had the book gone to... |  |  Distributed Services with OpenAFS: for Enterprise and EducationThis book shows in detail how to build enterprise-level secure,redundant, and highly scalable services from scratch on top of theopen source Linux operating system, suitable for small companies aswell as big universities. The core architecture presented is based onKerberos, LDAP, AFS, and Samba. It is shown how to integrate web,message related,... |
 Fundamental Data CompressionFundamental Data Compression provides all the information students need to be able to use this essential technology in their future careers. A huge, active research field, and a part of many people's everyday lives, compression technology is an essential part of today's Computer Science and Electronic Engineering courses.
... |  |  Embedded Systems and Computer ArchitectureThis book is about how a computer works and how it is programmed. No previous knowledge of digital logic or computers is assumed. Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture is intended for students taking a firstlevel introductory course in electronics, computer science or information technology. Whoever you are, if you want to understand what goes... |  |  Object-Oriented ActionScript 3.0Object-oriented programming (OOP) is something that is usually considered a black art for hardcore programmers, not a topic of conversation for Flash developers. However, when adobe introduced actionscript 3.0 to the mix, it changed everything. actionscript 3.0 is much more powerful than previous versions, allowing Flash developers to produce... |
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