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Digital Photography Bible (Desktop Edition)
Digital Photography Bible (Desktop Edition)
If a digital camera can do it, you can do it, too...

Good photography is more art than science. You need to know not only the hardware and software, but also how to compose a photo, edit and improve the images you get, and take pictures that achieve your objectives. From choosing a digital camera to taking shots that tell a...

Russian For Dummies (Language & Literature)
Russian For Dummies (Language & Literature)

Covers common expressions, conversations, and cultural notes

Your fun and friendly guide to communicating in Russian

Whether you're a student, a traveler, or a businessperson, or if you just want to speak basic Russian, you'll find this book packed with practical lessons...

Carrier Grade Voice Over IP (second edition)
Carrier Grade Voice Over IP (second edition)

In the race to put carrier-quality voice over IP (VoIP)——those using this book run faster and falter less. International expert Daniel Collins’ greatly enhanced Carrier Grade Voice over IP brings you leading-edge signaling schemes,...

3ds Max 9 Bible
3ds Max 9 Bible

A favorite of 3ds Max artists from beginners to pros!

Why is 3ds Max Bible a perennial bestselling favorite? Because whether you're a beginner looking for a tutorial to get you up to speed on your first day or an expert needing a reference to Max's advanced features, it's all here. Loaded with advice, professional tips, and...

The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3
The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3
This user's guide does far more than simply outline the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU features; it explains step-by-step how to program and implement the processor in real-world designs. It teaches readers how to utilize the complete and thumb instruction sets in order to obtain the best functionality, efficiency, and reuseability. The author, an ARM engineer...
Maya 8: The Complete Reference
Maya 8: The Complete Reference
Maya is not only one of the most powerful 3D software packages available, it’s one of the most complicated. The possibilities are as limitless as the paths to get to them. This maze of tools can be very difficult to traverse for those looking to begin “high-end 3D” work. I think your guides, Tom and Shin, will make this journey...
Database Programming Languages: 11th International Symposium, DBPL 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007
Database Programming Languages: 11th International Symposium, DBPL 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007
This volume contains the proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2007), held in Vienna, Austria, on September 23–24, 2007. DBPL 2007 was one of 15 meetings co-located with VLDB (the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases).

DBPL continues to present the very best work at the
The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time
The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time
He has been cited by The New York Times Magazine as "probably the most important economist in the world" and by Time as "the world's best-known economist." He has advised an extraordinary range of world leaders and international institutions on the full range of issues related to creating economic success and reducing...
Panoramic Radiology: Seminars on Maxillofacial Imaging and Interpretation
Panoramic Radiology: Seminars on Maxillofacial Imaging and Interpretation
During a Chicago Midwinter Dental meeting some years ago, I was asked by representatives from Panoramic Corporation to recommend a good general textbook on panoramic radiography. I was informed there is a great deal of interest within the dental profession in obtaining clinically relevant information on how to achieve the maximum diagnostic yield...
Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Information is a valuable resource to an organization. Computer software provides an efficient means of processing information, and database systems are becoming increasingly common means by which it is possible to store and retrieve information in an effective manner. This book provides comprehensive coverage of fundamentals of database management...
Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History
Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History
The burst of scholarship on colonial studies in the last two decades—crossing the disciplinary boundaries of literature, anthropology, and history—has begun to fill one of the most notable blind spots in the Western world’s examination of its history.Yet there is something strange about the timing: scholarly interest in...
Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide
Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide
If you like learning by example, then this straightforward book makes it easy to learn SAS programming. In an instructive and conversational tone, author Ron Cody clearly explains each programming technique and then illustrates it with one or more real-life examples, followed by a detailed description of how the program works. The text is divided...
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