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Securing Ajax Applications: Ensuring the Safety of the Dynamic Web
Securing Ajax Applications: Ensuring the Safety of the Dynamic Web
Ajax applications should be open yet secure. Far too often security is added as an afterthought. Potential flaws need to be identified and addressed right away. This book explores Ajax and web application security with an eye for dangerous gaps and offers ways that you can plug them before they become a problem. By making security part of the...
Mike Meyers' A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Second Edition
Mike Meyers' A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Second Edition
Practice the IT Skills Essential for Your Success

  • 60+ lab exercises challenge you to solve problems based on realistic case studies
  • Step-by-step scenarios require you to think critically
  • Lab analysis tests measure your understanding of lab results...
Anorectal Malformations in Children
Anorectal Malformations in Children
This multiauthor book is an update on the science and surgery of malformations of the rectum and anus. It carries on Douglas Stephens’ book “Congenital Malformations of the Rectum, Anus, and Genito-urinary Tracts” published in 1963. This first book, which deals exclusively with malformations of the lower end of the digestive and...
Controversies in Laparoscopic Surgery
Controversies in Laparoscopic Surgery
There are numerous textbooks detailing almost every aspect of the different laparoscopic procedures. However, in this era of evidence-based medicine, a text focusing on the controversies from the laparoscopic as well as the general surgeon's point of view is missing.

This book is not intended to be yet another textbook of laparoscopy;...

Phenomenology of Life - From the Animal Soul to the Human Mind: Book II. The Human Soul in the Creative Transformation of the Mind
Phenomenology of Life - From the Animal Soul to the Human Mind: Book II. The Human Soul in the Creative Transformation of the Mind
The human condition comes into its own only, as we have pointed out before,1 when Imaginatio Creatrix emerges and progressively reaches the realization of its full potential, bringing in the freedom to interrogate and the powers of creative invention.

When we come to stand back and ponder it, we are amazed at how the ontopoietic
Infection and Local Treatment in Orthopedic Surgery
Infection and Local Treatment in Orthopedic Surgery
Bone infections involve enormous social, economic and human impact. Despite improvements in surgical techniques, asepsis and prevention, the increasing use of surgery in orthopaedics and trauma means that the absolute number of bone infections is progressively increasing in western countries.

The work of orthopaedic surgeons is
Updates in Diagnostic Pathology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)
Updates in Diagnostic Pathology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)
Updates in Pathology provides pathologists, immunologists and pathologists/immunologists-in-training with a current view of basic pathology and immunology and its subdivisions, as well as topics in basic science, research and technology associated with pathology and immunology on all levels. Also discussed are  the...
Complete Wireless Design
Complete Wireless Design
Design an entire radio system from the ground up instead of relying on a simple plug-in selection of circuits to be modified. Avoid an arduous trek through theory and mathematical derivations. Cotter Sayre’s Complete Wireless Design is the handbook that fits your needs. It covers wireless hardware design more thoroughly than any...
The Compact Disc Handbook (Computer Music & Digital Audio)
The Compact Disc Handbook (Computer Music & Digital Audio)
This is a new edition, in paperback, of Ken Pohlmann's classic survey of the compact disc world, The Compact Disc: A Handbook of Theory and Use, and celebrates the tenth birthday of possibly the most successful consumer electronics product ever introduced. The phenomenal success of the compact disc - currently over a billion copies are sold each...
Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications
Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications
This book provides a calculus-based introduction to probability and statistics. It contains enough material for two semesters but, with judicious selection, it can be used as a textbook for a one-semester course, either in probability and statistics or in probability alone.

Each section contains many examples and exercises and, in the
Angels Don't Play This haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
Angels Don't Play This haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
The U. S. Government has a new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. This new system manipulates the environment in a way which can:

• Disrupt human mental processes.
• Jam all global communications systems.
• Change weather patterns over large
Retailization: Brand Survival in the Age of Retailer Power
Retailization: Brand Survival in the Age of Retailer Power
Presents an innovative and pragmatic step-by-step process to help businesses rethink their brand efforts around the retail strategies that best meet the needs of today's shoppers. Illustrates how brand power is inexorably being replaced by retailer power. Based on a two-year study conducted by AC Nielsen and BBDO Europe --the largest global study...
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