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A Guide To International Monetary Economics: Exchange Rate Theories, Systems And Policies
A Guide To International Monetary Economics: Exchange Rate Theories, Systems And Policies
When the Bretton Woods system of fi xed-but-adjustable exchange rates foundered in March 1973, exchange rates apparently went their own merry way, independent of differences in infl ation rates between countries or of the current account of the balance of payments. A decisive factor was that capital movements developed to such an extent that they...
A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy (Elgar Original Reference)
A Handbook of Comparative Social Policy (Elgar Original Reference)
The current context of social policy is one in which many of the old certainties of the past have been eroded. The predominantly inward-looking, domestic preoccupation of social policy has made way for a more integrated, international and outward approach to analysis which looks beyond the boundaries of the state. It is in this context that this...
Cardiovascular Physiology (Lange Physiology Series)
Cardiovascular Physiology (Lange Physiology Series)
This text is intended to provide students with the core information and concepts necessary to develop a firm understanding of how the intact cardiovascular system operates. Specifically stated learning objectives, key concepts, and study questions for each chapter allow the...
DHTML Utopia Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
DHTML Utopia Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
"Create Killer Websites Using the Power of Modern JavaScript" DHTML Utopia is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial that will show you how to make your websites more slick, dynamic, and usable.

Add dynamic interactivity to your website with DHTML by combining the power of JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), and...

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
This book is designed to provide a complete, authoritative, current, and readable pharmacology textbook for students in the health sciences. It also offers special features that make it useful to house officers and practicing clinicians.
The The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Neurology
The The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Neurology
As with the first edition, this handbook's goals are to quickly remind and update the reader. It therefore strives to be well cross-referenced, terse, and thin a pocket book should really fit in the pocket. We have tried to keep in mind that the head is actually connected to the body, and include sections on medicine and other...
Cognitive Rehabilitation in Old Age
Cognitive Rehabilitation in Old Age
"The authors provide a comprehensive overview of important topics"--Annals, March 2001

"Gerontologists and psychologists explore concepts that could aid research into intervening to reverse or slow cognitive deficits resulting from old age, and the application of specific cognitive training strategies in natural settings.
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children
"This book will be the gold standard for paediatric pallative care and deserves a place in every department of paediatrics and hospices that care for children." --IAHPC

This book is the first authoritative, systematic and comprehensive text to define the increasingly important and evolving specialty of paediatric
Handbook of Pathophysiology: Foundations of Health & Disease
Handbook of Pathophysiology: Foundations of Health & Disease
As in both of the previous editions of the Handbook of Pathophysiology, this edition is based on the premise that understanding physiology how the body works is essential to understanding pathophysiology what happens when things go wrong. My goal in writing this text was and is to provide a clear, accurate, and understandable description of health...
House Officer Urology (4th Edition)
House Officer Urology (4th Edition)
The goal of this fourth edition of Urology (for the House Officer) is unchanged from that of the first, i.e., to create a concise source of clinical information on urology for medical students and residents that they can easily carry in their pockets and refer to quickly. The previous editions of this book were well received by both students and...
Focal Easy Guide to Macromedia Flash 8: For new users and professionals
Focal Easy Guide to Macromedia Flash 8: For new users and professionals
'This book works on two levels; as a step by step learning process for beginners or an excellent reference guide for experts. Highly recommended! If you work with Flash, you need this book!' - online reviewer, amazon.co.uk

If you need to get to grips fast with creating interactive graphics and animation in Flash - then look
Handbook of Biosurveillance
Handbook of Biosurveillance
Over the past five years, the very real threat posed by emerging infections and bioterrorism has challenged and revolutionized the practice of disease surveillance. Many cities and countries are constructing new disease surveillance systems. Even the basic concept of surveillance data has changed, expanding dramatically beyond notifiable disease...
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