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St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
Sometimes, when I’m wandering in an art museum looking at the relics of an ancient civilization, I find myself wondering how a future society would represent a defunct American culture. What objects would be chosen—or would survive—to be placed on display? Would I agree with a curator’s choices? Were I to choose the items...
Managing Microsoft's Remote Installation Services
Managing Microsoft's Remote Installation Services
I remember one fateful afternoon when I asked my colleague Michael Iversen whether he’d be interested in writing a book with me. When he had finished laughing, his initial response was that he actually liked the idea. Neither of us had ever written a book before, but for us the idea seemed thrilling.

Agreeing on the subject was
Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails
Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails
Pro Active Record helps you take advantage of the full power of your database engine from within your Ruby programs and Rails applications. ActiveRecord, part of the magic that makes the Rails framework so powerful and easy to use, is the model element of Rail's model/view/controller framework. It's an object-relational mapping library...
IM Instant Messaging Security
IM Instant Messaging Security
Securing Instant Messaging (IM) is one of the top three priorities for IT managers to consider in the next 12 months. If IM security problems have been keeping you up at night . . . they should! According to research firm IDC, corporate IM users will jump from nearly 50 million in 2003 to over 181 million by 2005.

If your company is like
Bioinformatics: Managing Scientific Data (Multimedia Information and Systems)
Bioinformatics: Managing Scientific Data (Multimedia Information and Systems)
Bioinformatics can refer to almost any collaborative effort between biologists or geneticists and computer scientists and thus covers a wide variety of traditional computer science domains, including data modeling, data retrieval, data mining, data integration, data managing, data warehousing, data cleaning, ontologies, simulation, parallel...
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide (Technology in Action)
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide (Technology in Action)
The reader of this book will be someone looking for more detailed information on the NXT-G programming language used to program the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kit.

LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide is suitable for young programmers, age 10 and up, as well as parents and teachers who want to learn the new language for themselves...

Globus® Toolkit 4, : Programming Java Services (The Elsevier Series in Grid Computing)
Globus® Toolkit 4, : Programming Java Services (The Elsevier Series in Grid Computing)
Grid computing is an increasingly popular topic, and numerous books have appeared that describe grid applications and technologies. Indeed, we have contributed to this number, via the two editions of “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,” published in 1999 and 2004, respectively, and via the establishment of the...
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051) (Certification Press)
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051) (Certification Press)
The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available

With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide covers what you need to know--and shows you how to prepare--for this challenging exam.

  • 100% complete coverage of all official...
MATLAB® Recipes for Earth Sciences
MATLAB® Recipes for Earth Sciences
MATLAB® is used in a wide range of applications in geosciences, such as image processing in remote sensing, generation and processing of digital elevation models and the analysis of time series. This book introduces methods of data analysis in geosciences using MATLAB such as basic statistics for univariate, bivariate and...
ZK: Ajax without the Javascript Framework
ZK: Ajax without the Javascript Framework
In 1994, I developed an infrastructure, inspired by zApp and the Object Window Library (OWL), for developing an accounting system for Windows. In 2000, I developed another infrastructure, inspired by Struts and WebWorks, for developing another accounting system for the J2EE platform. After coaching and watching the development of both systems, I...
Bio-inspired Modeling of Cognitive Tasks: Second International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation
Bio-inspired Modeling of Cognitive Tasks: Second International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation
The two-volume set LNCS 4527 and LNCS 4528 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2007, held in La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain in June 2007.

The 126 revised papers presented are thematically divided into two volumes; the first includes...

The Mathematical Theory of Nonblocking Switching Networks (Series on Applied Mathematics, Volume 11)
The Mathematical Theory of Nonblocking Switching Networks (Series on Applied Mathematics, Volume 11)
The first edition of this book covered in depth the mathematical theory of nonblocking multistage interconnecting networks, which is applicable to both communication and computer networks. This comprehensively updated version puts more emphasis to the multicast and multirate networks which are under fast development recently due to their wide...
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