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Mathematical Methods for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Mathematical Methods for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
The importance of knowledge discovery and data mining is evident by the great plethora of books and papers dedicated to this subject. Such methods are finding applications in almost any area of human endeavor. This includes applications in engineering, science, business, medicine, humanities, just to name a few. At the same time, however, there is...
Emerging Technologies of Text Mining: Techniques and Applications
Emerging Technologies of Text Mining: Techniques and Applications
All around modern society, an enormous amount of strategic information is spread in many different presentation forms, like e-mail, formal and informal documents, historical reports, personal notes, Web pages, and so on. The access and transformation of this information in knowledge as a basis for decision making in the corporate world have become...
Principles of Transaction Processing (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Principles of Transaction Processing (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
"The best introduction to transaction processing systems I have ever read." - K.Torp, ACM Computing Reviews, November 1997

Principles of Transaction Processing is a clear, concise guide for anyone involved in developing applications, evaluating products, designing systems, or...

Project Management Made Easy
Project Management Made Easy
Take charge of your business — every step of the way

Are you so busy putting out fires in your business that you don’t have time to build your dreams? Put down the fire extinguisher for as long as it takes to read this book, and emerge with a feeling of control you haven’t experienced since starting your business.

The Internet and E-commerce
The Internet and E-commerce
As we use the Web as a platform for more and more of our business activities, it is vital that companies and their legal advisers are aware of the legal implications and liabilities that they are exposed to. This special Report looks at the law of e-commerce and the common pitfalls that Internet businesses continue to fall into. Supported by...
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (2 Volume Set)
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (2 Volume Set)
In hardly more than half a century, computers have become integral parts of everyday life, at home, work, and play. Today, computers affect almost every aspect of modern life, in areas as diverse as car design, filmmaking, disability services, and sex education.Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a vital new field that examines the ways in which...
Pro SQL Server 2005 High Availability
Pro SQL Server 2005 High Availability
Maintaining SQL Server 2005 high availability in a global information environment is the database administrator's greatest practical challenge. Availability is as much about people and processes as it is about technology. Pro SQL Server 2005 High Availability covers the technology, people, processes, and real-world best practices for...
Cartoon Cool: How to Draw New Retro-Style Characters
Cartoon Cool: How to Draw New Retro-Style Characters
Love that Sponge Bob? Always lurking in Dexter’s lab? Wishing for Fairly Odd Parents? Millions of fans watch these shows avidly, often solely for their zingy, stylized look and hip visual jokes. Now there’s a drawing book just right for everyone who admires that quirky style: Cartoon Cool. Top-selling author Christopher Hart shows...
Principles of Surgery, Companion Handbook
Principles of Surgery, Companion Handbook

This handbook has resulted from the need of students and house officers to be able to carry a book with them for easy reference when there is limited access to the companion textbook. This portable handbook is not meant to supersede the textbook and should be used in conjunction with the seventh edition of Principles of Surgery. The...

Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine.
Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine.
The automatic analysis of images and signals in medicine, biotechnology, and chemistry is a challenging and demanding field.

Signal-producing procedures by microscopes, spectrometers, and other sensors have found their way into wide fields of medicine, biotechnology, economy, and environmental analysis. With this arises the problem of
The Definitive Guide to iReport (Expert's Voice)
The Definitive Guide to iReport (Expert's Voice)
JasperForge.org is the open source development portal for the JasperSoft Business Intelligence Suite, the JasperSoft Business Intelligence solution that delivers comprehensive tools for data access, data integration, analysis, and reporting, including iReport. This definitive, authoritative book covers the following:
  • Covers iReport...
Reaction-Diffusion Computers
Reaction-Diffusion Computers
"(The authors) plans for a chemical brain might be over-ambitious - but not completely crazy. (...) (they are) likely to uncover new ideas that could help create better processors or reveal something about the way our brain works." New Scientist, 26 march 2005, p. 33

The book introduces a hot topic of novel and
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