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C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

The number of models available in neural network literature is quite large. Very often the treatment is mathematical and complex. This book provides illustrative examples in C++ that the reader can use as a basis for further experimentation. A key to learning about neural networks to appreciate their inner workings is to experiment. Neural...

IssueWeb: A Guide and Sourcebook for Researching Controversial Issues on the Web
IssueWeb: A Guide and Sourcebook for Researching Controversial Issues on the Web
What student has graduated from col lege with out writing an opinion or position pa per? We dare to venture that the num ber is quite small. After all, opinion papers are an av enue for teaching critical think ing skills. They can help stu dents understand whether their opin ion on a topic has a bias, is based on suf ficient information, and falls...
Powerful PowerPoint for Educators: Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive
Powerful PowerPoint for Educators: Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive
With clear, concise, step-by-step instructions on how to create presentations, users can create multiple-choice tests that not only give feedback, but also keep score....This is a powerful tool for educators to have in their repertoire....This book will encourage PowerPoint users to push their skills beyond the status quo.

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Developing USB PC Peripherals Using Intel 8X930AX USB Microcontroller
Developing USB PC Peripherals Using Intel 8X930AX USB Microcontroller
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is one of the most important developments in PC peripheral interconnect technology since the introduction of serial and parallel ports in the early 1980's. It is fast becoming the port of choice for many new digital video conferencing cameras, scanners, monitors, PC telephony equipment, and Human Interface Devices such as...
Standard Practice in Sexual Medicine
Standard Practice in Sexual Medicine
The International Standard Reference Work for Sexual Medicine

Under the auspices of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (the leading international professional society in the field), a multidisciplinary group of international contributors identify the most current standards of practice for diagnosing and treating sexual...

Cisco ISP Essentials
Cisco ISP Essentials
A comprehensive guide to the best common practices for Internet service providersLearn the best common practices for configuring routers on the Internet from experts who helped build the InternetGain specific advice through comprehensive coverage of all Cisco routers and current versions of Cisco IOS SoftwareUnderstand the Cisco IOS tools essential...
CCNA Portable Command Guide (2nd Edition) (Self-Study Guide)
CCNA Portable Command Guide (2nd Edition) (Self-Study Guide)
Scott Empson is currently the associate chair of the bachelor of applied information systems technology degree program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, teaching Cisco® routing, switching, and network design courses in certificate, diploma, and applied degree programs at the post-secondary level. He...
Osteoporosis: A Guide for Clinicians
Osteoporosis: A Guide for Clinicians
As the population ages, the prevalence of osteoporosis is increasing worldwide. Care of osteoporotic patients is in the hands of endocrinologists, rheumatologists, geriatricians, primary care physicians, and even physician assistants and nurse...
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Middle America and the Caribbean
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Middle America and the Caribbean
Over 153 million people live in the Middle American and Caribbean culture areas, which are divided primarily between the Middle American mainland cultures and the Caribbean cultures of the West Indian islands and Bermuda.

Middle America is the region south of the United States and north of South America. It includes Mexico and Central
The Geometry of Information Retrieval
The Geometry of Information Retrieval
"This is a very interesting book, which appears to provide a solid foundation for future research...van Rijsbergen's explanations are well written and logical. In addition, there are many pointers to other sources of relevant information. This book would be of particular interest to those conducting IR, Artificial Intelligence or Cognitive...
Basics of CMOS Cell Design (Professional Engineering)
Basics of CMOS Cell Design (Professional Engineering)
Design and Simulate Any Type of CMOS Circuit!

Electronic circuit designers and electronic engineering students can turn to Basics of CMOS Cell Design for a practice-based introduction to the design and simulation of every major type of CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) integrated circuit.

You will...

Milestones in Matrix Computation: The selected works of Gene H. Golub with commentaries
Milestones in Matrix Computation: The selected works of Gene H. Golub with commentaries
At a meeting in Moscow in June 2005, Gil Strang suggested that there be a collection of Gene Golub's work to highlight his many important contributions to numerical analysis. The three of us were honored to undertake this pleasant task, with publication timed for February "29", 2007, the 75th anniversary of Gene's birth.

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