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Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
As its title suggests, this book is about a special class of systems which in recent decades have become an integral part of our world. Before getting into the details of this particular class of systems, it is reasonable to start out by simply describing what we mean by a “system”, and by presenting the fundamental concepts associated...
Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers, and Con Artists
Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers, and Con Artists
If you are reading this book or thinking about acquiring it, you have taken an important step toward increasing your awareness of the ways in which the Internet may be abused. J. A. Hitchcock has prepared a second edition of her popular book, Net Crimes and Misdemeanors, reflecting new ways in which you may encounter the dark side of global...
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2005: Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2005: Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005
In March 2005 about 40 scientists from Europe, Japan and the US came together the second time to discuss ways to achieve sustained performance on supercomputers in the range of Teraflops. The workshop held at the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) was the second of this kind. The first one had been held in May 2004. At both...
Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups
Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups
InstallShield Developer is the most powerful and flexible solution for creating today’s Windows Installer setups. And this book is your authoritative guide to this most critical step in the software release process: the installation.

InstallShield authority Bob Baker guides you through Developer’s integrated development environment...

Topology-based Methods in Visualization (Mathematics and Visualization)
Topology-based Methods in Visualization (Mathematics and Visualization)
Enabling insight into large and complex datasets is a prevalent theme in visualization research for which different approaches are pursued.

Topology-based methods are built on the idea of abstracting characteristic structures such as the topological skeleton from the data and to construct the visualizations accordingly. There are currently new...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Indexes
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Indexes
It has taken ten years of work to produce this ten-volume Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Thirteen editors, six associate editors, 800 contributors, 20 translators, and the staffs of the Human Relations Area Files, G. K. Hall and Co., and Macmillan Library Reference have been involved in the process.

In keeping with the global scope of
The The Internal Medicine Casebook: Real Patients, Real Answers
The The Internal Medicine Casebook: Real Patients, Real Answers
The basis for an internal medicine casebook originated several years ago, born of my conviction that house staff and students are stimulated and motivated best when their learning is focused on real patients. Steps were taken, therefore, to augment the patient-oriented instruction of our house staff and students. This was...
Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapy
Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapy

It is currently estimated that approximately 41 million people in the United States have a musculoskeletal condition. Of these, more than 50% have some limitation of functional activity and many have to stop work entirely. Musculoskeletal and rheumatic symptoms account for about 15% of physician visits. The purpose of this manual is to...

Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry
Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry
This is the tenth edition of Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry to appear since its founding over 35 years ago and the second edition to be published in the 21st century. Since its beginning, the goal of this book has...
General Thoracic Surgery (2 Vol. Set)
General Thoracic Surgery (2 Vol. Set)
The leading comprehensive reference on thoracic surgery is now in its Sixth Edition. Coverage of surgical oncology has been expanded. This edition also features state-of-the-art video-assisted procedures, new chapters on tracheostomy, and new techniques for lung cancer and paraesophageal hernia. Organized by anatomic region, this two-volume work...
Functional Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition (Lange Basic Science)
Functional Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition (Lange Basic Science)
Sci-Tech Book News : Afifi (neurology, anatomy, University of Iowa) and Bergman (anatomy and cell biology, University of Iowa) provide clinical correlation chapters and simplified schematics to illustrate neural pathways, in this medical text emphasizing human neuroanatomy. For this second edition, new chapters have been added on...
Visual Diagnosis in Pediatrics
Visual Diagnosis in Pediatrics
Featuring 500 full-color clinical photographs, succinct clinical pearls, and detailed differential diagnosis tables, this atlas is a visual guide to the rapid and accurate diagnosis of pediatric problems. The book will greatly assist busy practitioners in recognizing disease entities and distinguishing among entities that appear similar. Organized...
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