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Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture
Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture
The complete guide to requirements analysis for every system analyst and project team member.

Thousands of software projects are doomed from the start because they're based on a faulty understanding of the business problem that must be solved. The solution is effective requirements analysis. In Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to...

Organic Chemistry Demystified
Organic Chemistry Demystified
Take the unCONQUERability out of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY!

Now anyone can master organic chemistry -- without tears, unlimited time, or a Ph.D. In Organic Chemistry Demystified, organic chemist and experienced teacher Daniel Bloch provides an effective and painless way to learn or review organic chemistry, from the chemical...

Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology (8th Edition)
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology (8th Edition)
A new take on the classic, definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology. Reflecting a modern approach to neurology, Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, 8/e new format highlights a more complete and accessible approaches to treatment and clinical management strategies. This thoroughly revised edition...
The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep
The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep
Why would I write a book on sleep? After all, everyone sleeps, it looks easy, and nothing much seems to happen while you’re doing it. That’s what I used to think before I started studying sleep. I first came across the intricacies and mysteries of sleep as an undergraduate studying psychobiology at UCLA in the 1970s. I was amazed at how...
Matrix of Power:How the World Has Been Controlled By Powerful People Without Your Knowledge
Matrix of Power:How the World Has Been Controlled By Powerful People Without Your Knowledge
At one time or another we've all questioned as to whether all that we see and are experiencing in our world has some sort of a rational plan behind it, because we understand now that both the Republican and Democratic Parties in America are basically run by the same people. The same money finances both sides. We now know through the work of many...
Windows Vista Administration: The Definitive Guide
Windows Vista Administration: The Definitive Guide
Whether you're a system administrator responsible for hundreds of Windows clients, or a just a roomful of computers, this book will help you install, configure, and maintain Microsoft's newest OS. Written in jargon-free English that puts concepts in proper context, the book gives you a better understanding of Vista's innovations and capabilities,...
Violence at Sea: Piracy in the Age of Global Terrorism
Violence at Sea: Piracy in the Age of Global Terrorism
Violence at Sea is an overview of maritime piracy, examining threats that piracy poses to global security and commerce, as well as measures and policies to mitigate the threat. The essays analyze piracy activities in key shipping lanes (including the African coast, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Straits of Malacca-South China...
Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom
Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom
Black and white photography has come a long way in the digital world. Feeling overwhelmed by the endless conversion options in (and around) Photoshop, Lightroom and beyond? If so, youre not alone, and this is definitely the book for you!

In this thoroughly up-to-date book that covers all of the new features of Photoshop CS3 and
Myths About Doing Business in China
Myths About Doing Business in China
China has always been a land of myth, mystery and exaggeration for the West.

Marco Polo came back to thirteenth-century Venice with tales of cities of a million people (unheard of in those days), unimaginable wealth, exotic food and strange customs. Eighteenth-century adventurers bought tales of rulers enlightened by the wise words of
The Recurrent Crisis in Corporate Governance
The Recurrent Crisis in Corporate Governance
In the late 1990s the American corporation forged ahead in gains in efficiency and earnings performance with strong reflections in stock price appreciation.However, the events of Enron and the bursting of the bubble of unlimited increases in the price of Internet, telecom and energy company shares have caused the authors of this book to take...
Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008
Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008
Design Your Way from Field to Finish with This Expert Guide to Civil 3D

Understand concepts, create perfect designs, and manage every stage of the project with this thorough guide to Autodesk's powerful civil engineering software. Authored by experts with close ties to Autodesk and the Civil 3D community, this book features...

Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook
Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook
A practical, accessible survey of telecommunications and data communications services and technologies

Finally, there is a commonsense guide to telecommunications and data communications that non-engineers can understand. Popular author Ray Horak provides comprehensive, up-to-date information in plain English, instead of confusing technotalk....

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