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Statistical and Inductive Inference by Minimum Message Length (Information Science and Statistics)
Statistical and Inductive Inference by Minimum Message Length (Information Science and Statistics)
My thanks are due to the many people who have assisted in the work reported here and in the preparation of this book. The work is incomplete and this account of it rougher than it might be. Such virtues as it has owe much to others; the faults are all mine.

My work leading to this book began when David Boulton and I attempted to develop
Managing Business and Service Networks (Network and Systems Management)
Managing Business and Service Networks (Network and Systems Management)
This book is about problems and methods in managing communication networks. The kinds of networks under consideration include enterprise networks (i.e. those that are typically owned and managed by businesses) and service networks (i.e. those that are owned by service providers but leased to businesses). Given the increasing dependence of...
Pivot Table Data Crunching for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Business Solutions)
Pivot Table Data Crunching for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Business Solutions)
This book consolidates all the best functionality of pivot tables into one guide that provides you with a meaningful tutorial, offering practical solutions to day-to-day problems.


Within just the first 2 chapters, you will be creating basic pivot tables, increasing productivity, and...

Journey to Data Quality
Journey to Data Quality
"The issue of data quality has become increasingly important over the last decade as the amount of data being collected and stored continues to increase at a rapid rate. These researchers have been at the forefront of understanding the impact and implication of the quality of data on organizations. These issues will continue to grow in...
Digital Design and Fabrication
Digital Design and Fabrication
After nearly six years as the field's leading reference, the second edition of the award-winning Computer Engineering Handbook reemerges with completely updated content and a brand new, two-volume format. Part of this monumental revision, Digital Design and Fabrication surveys the latest advances in computer architecture and design and the...
Global Expansion: Britain and its Empire, 1870-1914 (Pluto Critical History)
Global Expansion: Britain and its Empire, 1870-1914 (Pluto Critical History)
This short volume focuses upon the British empire and the development and growth of the country’s imperial system between 1870 and the outbreak of World War I, in the context of historically unprecedented global expansion by certain European powers. The British was incomparably the largest both in area and population of the European overseas...
Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology
Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology
This book offers deep industrial insight into the development of DSL technologies and their related applications in the telecommunications industry. It compiles the expertise of industry specialists from various perspectives, including chip designers, information theorists, systems engineers, service providers and more. It addresses in a rigorous...
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries
Winner of the Business, Management & Accounting category in the 2006 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Awards Competition presented by the Association of American Publishers, Inc.

Software platforms are the invisible engines that have created, touched, or transformed nearly every major industry for the past
Semi-Supervised Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
Semi-Supervised Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
In the field of machine learning, semi-supervised learning (SSL) occupies the middle ground, between supervised learning (in which all training examples are labeled) and unsupervised learning (in which no label data are given). Interest in SSL has increased in recent years, particularly because of application domains in which unlabeled data are...
Software Solutions for Engineers and Scientists
Software Solutions for Engineers and Scientists
Our book was conceived as a programming toolkit and a problem-solving resource for professional engineers and scientists who take on the role of programmers. The book’s original idea was based on the fact that engineers and scientists often need to develop software to suit their particular needs, but hardly ever are they...
Body Sensor Networks
Body Sensor Networks
The last decade has seen a rapid surge of interest in new sensing and monitoring devices for healthcare and the use of wearable/wireless devices for clinical applications. One key development in this area is implantable in vivo monitoring and intervention devices. Several promising prototypes are emerging for managing patients with debilitating...
Microsoft Windows Vista On Demand
Microsoft Windows Vista On Demand
Welcome to Microsoft Windows Vista On Demand, a visual quick reference book that shows you how to work efficiently with Windows Vista. This book provides complete coverage of basic to advanced Vista skills.

How This Book Works

You don’t have to read this book in any particular order. We’ve designed the book so that
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