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Broadband Wireless Communications Business: An Introduction to the Costs and Benefits of New Technologies
Broadband Wireless Communications Business: An Introduction to the Costs and Benefits of New Technologies

With the emergence of broadband wireless communication systems, new business opportunities have appeared for operators, content provides, and manufacturers.

Broadband wireless communications technologies promise the freedom of constant access to the Internet at high speeds, without the limitation of connection...

CAMEL: Intelligent Networks for the GSM, GPRS and UMTS Network
CAMEL: Intelligent Networks for the GSM, GPRS and UMTS Network

Learn how to use CAMEL to transfer the Intelligent Network concept to the mobile world!

CAMEL (Customized Application for the Mobile network Enhanced Logic) is a standard for Intelligent Networks for mobile communications networks.  It is currently deployed in all regions of the world, enabling mobile network...

Replication Techniques in Distributed Systems (Advances in Database Systems)
Replication Techniques in Distributed Systems (Advances in Database Systems)
The dream behind interconnecting large numbers of computers has been to have their combined capabilities serve users as one. This distributed computer would compose its resources so as to offer functionality, dependability, and performance, that far exceed those offered by a single isolated computer. This dream has started to be realized, insofar...
Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures
Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures
In the span of a quarter-century, network routing in communication networks has evolved tremendously. Just a quarter-century ago, the public switched telephone network (PSTN) was running hierarchical routing, ARPANET routing was operational, and the telecommunication infrastructure had fixed static transport routes. In the 1980s, we saw the first...
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols, and Applications offers the latest techniques, solutions, and support regarding the design and performance of ad hoc wireless networks. This book presents the fundamentals of wireless networks, covering Bluetooth, IrDA, HomeRF, WiFi, WiMax, wireless Internet, and Mobile IP. Each chapter...
Trends in Optical Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection
Trends in Optical Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection
This book covers a wide range of measurement techniques broadly referred to as Optical Metrology, with emphasis on their applications to nondestructive testing. If we look separately at each of the two terms making the generic name Optical Metrology, we find a link to two of the most distinctive aspects of humans: a particularly well developed...
MATLAB(R) for Photomechanics- A Primer
MATLAB(R) for Photomechanics- A Primer
The term "photomechanics" describes a suite of experimental techniques which use optics (photo) for studying problems in mechanics. The field has been in existence for some time, but has always lagged behind other experimental and numerical techniques. The main reason for this is that the interpretation of data, which whilst providing...
Mobile Media and Applications, From Concept to Cash: Successful Service Creation and Launch
Mobile Media and Applications, From Concept to Cash: Successful Service Creation and Launch

Experience the forces behind the changes in the IT, Mobile Telecom and Media industries through real-life cases from this converging market!

Mobile Media and Applications - From Concept to Cash shows how to address the challenges of consumer marketing, technology strategy and delivery tactics for...

Principles of Modern Digital Design
Principles of Modern Digital Design
A major objective of this book is to fill the gap between traditional logic design principles and logic design/optimization techniques used in practice. Over the last two decades several techniques for computer-aided design and optimization of logic circuits have been developed. However, underlying theories of these techniques are inadequately...
Sensor Network Operations
Sensor Network Operations

Designing and operating sensor networks, featuring leading researchers and the latest, yet unpublished findings

Sensor Network Operations introduces mission-oriented sensor networks as distributed dynamic systems of interacting sensing devices, which function as a network to execute complex...

Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction
Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction
In the 1990's it was realized that quantum physics has some spectacular applications in computer science. This book is a concise introduction to quantum computation, developing the basic elements of this new branch of computational theory without assuming any background in physics. It begins with an introduction to the quantum theory from a...
Digital Systems and Applications (The Computer Engineering Handbook, Second Edition)
Digital Systems and Applications (The Computer Engineering Handbook, Second Edition)
After nearly six years as the field's leading reference, the second edition of the award-winning Computer Engineering Handbook reemerges with completely updated content and a brand new format. Part of this monumental revision, Digital Systems and Applications surveys the latest advances in computer system technologies and the applications that are...
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