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Embedded Systems Handbook (Industrial Information Technology)
Embedded Systems Handbook (Industrial Information Technology)
The purpose of the Embedded Systems Handbook is to provide a reference useful to a broad range of professionals and researchers from industry and academia involved in the evolution of concepts and technologies, as well as development and use of embedded systems and related technologies.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the
Mathematics of Digital Images: Creation, Compression, Restoration, Recognition
Mathematics of Digital Images: Creation, Compression, Restoration, Recognition
"Recognition explains the mathematics needed to carry out various aspects of digital imaging through examples, exercises with solutions, pseudocode and sample calculations on images. Suitable for a course or tutorial."

"This book explains the mathematics needed to understand and carry out these components in
Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications
Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications
Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications provides a broad overview of the many card systems and solutions that are in practical use today. This state-of-the art work is written by contributing authors who are active researchers and acknowledged experts in their field. A single book cannot be found to match both the breadth...
Practical Rails Projects (Expert's Voice)
Practical Rails Projects (Expert's Voice)
If you are a web developer who has already realized the power of Ruby on Rails but wants to take your Rails knowledge further, this book will be invaluable to you. Practical Rails Projects assumes you know the basics of using the framework, concentrating instead on taking you through the creation of a multitude of practical real-world...
Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
As game developers a few years from now, we may look back at current generation AI with astonishment and possibly with a hint of nostalgia. We will notice the extreme simplicity of the systems and behaviours we created, asking ourselves whether it was in fact by design or more by necessity. More importantly, we will be surprised by the amount of...
Toward Artificial Sapience: Principles and Methods for Wise Systems
Toward Artificial Sapience: Principles and Methods for Wise Systems
The current attempt to emulate human sapience (wisdom) by artificial means should be a step in the right direction beyond the Artificial/Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing disciplines, but is it warranted? Have humans achieved a level of modeling smart systems that justifies talking about sapience-wisdom?

This book presents...

Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
Webster’s New World Telecom Dictionary, by Ray Horak, is a comprehensive telecommunications dictionary of more than 7,500 terms critical to understanding voice, data, video, and multimedia communications system and network technologies, applications, and regulation. Given the convergence of computing and communications, the book also...
Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Signal Processing and Communications)
Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Signal Processing and Communications)
Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging produces images of the human tissues in a noninvasive manner, revealing the structure, metabolism, and function of tissues and organs. The impact of this image technique in diagnostic radiology is impressive, due to its versatility and flexibility in joining high-quality anatomical images with functional...
Wireless Network Security (Signals and Communication Technology)
Wireless Network Security (Signals and Communication Technology)
Wireless networks technologies have been dramatically improved by the popularity of third generation (3G) wireless networks, wireless LANs, Bluetooth, and sensor networks. However, security is a major concern for wide deployments of such wireless networks. The contributions to this volume identify various vulnerabilities in the physical layer, the...
Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Agricultural Systems: An Object-Oriented and UML Approach
Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Agricultural Systems: An Object-Oriented and UML Approach
Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Agricultural Systems presents cutting-edge software engineering techniques for designing and implementing better agricultural software systems based on the object-oriented paradigm and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The book is divided in two parts: the first part presents concepts...
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V was developed from the fifth workshop at the University of Michigans Center for the Study of Complex Systems to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information related to the rapidly advancing field of Genetic Programming (GP). Contributions from the foremost international researchers and practitioners in...
Dynamic Epistemic Logic (Synthese Library)
Dynamic Epistemic Logic (Synthese Library)
"I am very glad to see that three people so active in this area of knowledge update are bringing out this book. It should be of great help to graduate students as well as established researchers." Rohit Parikh, Distinguished Professor, City University of New York Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge change. This...
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