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Advanced Data Mining Techniques
Advanced Data Mining Techniques
This book covers the fundamental concepts of data mining, to demonstrate the potential of gathering large sets of data, and analyzing these data sets to gain useful business understanding. The book is organized in three parts. Part I introduces concepts. Part II describes and demonstrates basic data mining algorithms. It also contains chapters on a...
RMAN Recipes for Oracle Database 11g: A Problem-Solution Approach
RMAN Recipes for Oracle Database 11g: A Problem-Solution Approach
It’s sometimes said that the true job of an Oracle database administrator can be summed up in one, essential skill: to be able to recover your database.

There’s much wisdom in that statement. Of all the things you are responsible for as a database administrator, nothing is more important than the data itself. Like it or not, the...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, Second Edition
PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, Second Edition

Backed by a tireless development community, PHP has been a model of language evolution over its 10+ year history. Borne from a contract developer’s pet project, these days you’ll find PHP powering many of the world’s largest web sites, including Yahoo!, Digg, EA Games, and Lycos.

PHP Objects, Patterns, and...

Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications
Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications
This monograph describes a programming methodology based upon programming paradigms and generic programs and demonstates how distributed application programs can be developed by simple substitution of data structures and sequential procedures. The author introduces generic programs for two paradigms and shows how to derive new distributed programs...
SharePoint 2007: The Definitive Guide
SharePoint 2007: The Definitive Guide
Why did I write this book? Actually, it took an army to write this book (read all of the names on the front cover if you don’t believe me). While I’m credited as the “lead author,” the experience and expertise of everyone who authored content for SharePoint 2007: The Definitive Guide is what is at the center of this work....
Digital Document Processing: Major Directions and Recent Advances (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Digital Document Processing: Major Directions and Recent Advances (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
In this book, all the major and frontier topics in the field of document analysis are brought together into a single volume creating a unique reference source.

Highlights include:

- Document structure analysis followed by OCR of Japanese, Tibetan and Indian printed scripts.

- Online and offline handwritten text recognition...

Reverse Engineering: An Industrial Perspective (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
Reverse Engineering: An Industrial Perspective (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of an object or component through analysis of its structure and function. Such analysis can then be used to redesign the object very quickly using computer-aided design in concert with rapid-manufacturing processes to produce small numbers of components adapted to the...
Thesis Projects: A Guide for Students in Computer Science and Information Systems
Thesis Projects: A Guide for Students in Computer Science and Information Systems
"The authors have written a short book for students doing final year projects in computer science and information systems. Because the authors are from Sweden, the details of the procedures and expectations will vary in other countries. However, in the hands of a discerning reader, this book could be useful at several levels, at many colleges...
OpenGL Graphics Through Applications
OpenGL Graphics Through Applications
This book is the result of teaching computer graphics for one and two semester, year two/three undergraduate and postgraduate lecture courses in Computer Graphics. Throughout the book, theory is followed by implementation using C/C++ and complete programs are provided with suggestions for change to enhance student understanding. During 30 years of...
Fonts & Encodings
Fonts & Encodings

This reference is a fascinating and complete guide to using fonts and typography on the Web and across a variety of operating systems and application software. Fonts & Encodings shows you how to take full advantage of the incredible number of typographic options available, with advanced material that covers everything from...

The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition
The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) offers a variety of compilers for different programming languages including C, C++, Java, Fortran, and Ada. The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition has been revised to reflect the changes made in the most recent major GCC release, version 4. Providing in-depth information on GCC's enormous...

Knowledge-Based Intelligent Techniques in Character Recognition
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Techniques in Character Recognition
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Techniques in Character Recognition presents research results on intelligent character recognition techniques, reflecting the tremendous worldwide interest in the applications of knowledge-based techniques in this challenging field. This resource will interest anyone involved in computer science, computer engineering,...
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