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Networked Sensing Information and Control
Networked Sensing Information and Control
Recent advances in sensor and computing technologies provide the impetus for deploying distributed sensing systems. Distributed networks are envisioned to provide real-time information in such diverse applications as building safety, environmental monitoring, power systems, manufacturing as well as military and space applications.


Ontology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications
Ontology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications
Managing ontologies and annotated data throughout their life-cycles is at the core of semantic systems of all kinds.  Ontology Management, an edited volume by senior researchers in the field, provides an up-to-date, concise and easy-to-read reference on this topic.

This volume describes relevant tasks, practical...

Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions is an introduction to the field of optimization. The book emphasizes constrained optimization, beginning with a substantial treatment of linear programming, and proceeding to convex analysis, network flows, integer programming, quadratic programming, and convex optimization.

The book is...

Resource Allocation in Multiuser Multicarrier Wireless Systems
Resource Allocation in Multiuser Multicarrier Wireless Systems
Many algorithms have already been proposed in the past to solve the problem of allocating resources in a multi-user multicarrier wireless system. Due to the difficulty of the problem, most of the previous work in this area has focused on developing suboptimal heuristics without performance guarantees.

Resource Allocation in Multiuser...

Pro ASP.NET for SQL Server: High Performance Data Access for Web Developers (Proffesional Reference Series)
Pro ASP.NET for SQL Server: High Performance Data Access for Web Developers (Proffesional Reference Series)
Pro ASP.NET for SQL Server: High Performance Data Access for Web Developers explains how to use ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 most efficiently together. It covers all crucial performance issues and illustrates optimal techniques with enterprise-quality development.

Performance is always an issue, and optimizing database access is one...

Pro SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
Pro SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
SQL Server Integration Services is groundbreaking. It exists for both the DBA and the developer, as well as that new role SSIS has created between the two--the data artisan.

Pro SQL Server 2005 Integration Services contains everything you could ever hope to know about this exciting new development from Microsoft: developer insight,...

Mac OS X Leopard: Beyond the Manual
Mac OS X Leopard: Beyond the Manual
Mac OS X is quickly becoming one of the most popular operating systems for power users. Mac OS X’s ability to mesh an easy-to-use and attractive interface with a Unix back end has attracted average and power users to the Mac. In 2007, Apple releases the next version of Mac OS X: Leopard.

Mac OS X Leopard: Beyond the Manual is...

Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Neural, Evolutionary, Fuzzy and More (Texts in Computer Science)
Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Neural, Evolutionary, Fuzzy and More (Texts in Computer Science)
This book was originally titled “Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Traditional Paradigms.” I have changed the subtitle to better represent the contents of the book. The basic philosophy of the original version has been kept in the new edition. That is, the book covers the most essential and widely employed material...
Web Development with Java: Using Hibernate, JSPs and Servlets
Web Development with Java: Using Hibernate, JSPs and Servlets
I have been teaching web development for ten years. I started with Perl. I can still remember the behemoth programs that contained all the logic and HTML. I remember using a text editor to write the program. Debugging consisted of a lot of print statements. It was a fun time, full of exploration, but I do not miss them.

Five years ago, I
Interactive Curve Modeling: with Applications to Computer Graphics, Vision and Image Processing
Interactive Curve Modeling: with Applications to Computer Graphics, Vision and Image Processing

Interactive curve modeling techniques and their applications are extremely useful in a number of academic and industrial settings, and specifically play a significant role in multidisciplinary problem solving, such as in font design, designing objects, CAD/CAM, medical operations, scientific data visualization, virtual reality, character...

Variable-length Codes for Data Compression
Variable-length Codes for Data Compression
Most data compression methods that are based on variable-length codes employ the Huffman or Golomb codes. However, there are a large number of less-known codes that have useful properties - such as those containing certain bit patterns, or those that are robust - and these can be useful. This book brings this large set of codes to the attention of...
Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
and guided mainly by the Four-Colour Conjecture. The resolution of the conjecture by K. Appel and W. Haken in 1976, the year in which our first book Graph Theory with Applications appeared, marked a turning point in its history. Since then, the subject has experienced explosive growth, due in large measure to its role as an essential structure...
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