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The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right
The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right
Django, the Python-based equivalent to the Ruby on Rails web development framework, is presently one of the hottest topics in web development today. In The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right, Adrian Holovaty, one of Django's creators, and Django lead developer Jacob Kaplan-Moss show you how they use this framework to...
CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate: Fast Pass
CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate: Fast Pass

The perfect companion to Sybex's CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, Sixth or Deluxe editions, or any CCNA study tool

The Perfect CCNA Preparation and Review Tool

Many candidates who complete a Study Guide or course also appreciate a review tool that helps them brush up on key topics....

Foundation Flex for Developers: Data-Driven Applications with PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, and FDS
Foundation Flex for Developers: Data-Driven Applications with PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, and FDS
Regardless of which type of application they’re building, developers usually have to carry out a range of common tasks: communicating information to a user, displaying pop-up windows, showing repeating information in a tabular or grid layout, providing forms to update an external data source, and so on. Many times, when learning a new...
Microcontrollers Fundamentals for Engineers And Scientists (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)
Microcontrollers Fundamentals for Engineers And Scientists (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)
The purpose of this text, “Microcontrollers Fundamentals for Engineers and Scientists,” is to provide practicing scientists and engineers a tutorial on the fundamental concepts and use of microcontrollers. Today, microcontrollers, or single integrated circuit (chip) computers, play critical roles in almost all instrumentation and...
Learning Programming using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)
Learning Programming using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)
Why learn programming? There are several answers to that. Computers are ubiquitous—your car, your mp3 player, the orbiting satellites which provide us with the ability to communicate and the automatic coffee maker all use a computer of some sort. Andcomputers require programming to function. Knowing how to program provides us with a bit of...
Camtasia Studio 5: The Definitive Guide
Camtasia Studio 5: The Definitive Guide
Camtasia Studio 5 is the latest version of TechSmith's industry-leading screen video recording and editing tool. Camtasia Studio 5: The Definitive Guide leads the user through the entire process of creating top-notch software tutorials, marketing spots, and demonstrations. It starts right at the beginning of the process, with developing goals and...
Network Performance Analysis: Using the J Programming Language
Network Performance Analysis: Using the J Programming Language
The J programming laguage is rich in mathematical functionality and ideally suited to analytical computing methods. It is, however, a somewhat terse language and not entirely intuitive at first, particularly if one is used to more conventional programming languages such as C, Pascal or Java. J functions (called verbs) are denoted by punctuation...
Distributed Search by Constrained Agents: Algorithms, Performance, Communication
Distributed Search by Constrained Agents: Algorithms, Performance, Communication
Agent technology is evolving as a leading field of research connected to diverse areas such as A.I., E-commerce, robotics and information retrieval. Agents systems use reasoning and constraint-based reasoning that has a wide potential for representing multiple types of problems. A fundamental building block within all these areas is the ability to...
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007: The Complete Reference
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007: The Complete Reference
The definitive guide to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

"This well-planned and well-written book offers a comprehensive reference for IT professionals, application developers and business analysts working with SharePoint applications." --James A. Robertson, MCSD.NET, Senior Software Engineer, Applied...

Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason (Wiley Series in Agent Technology)
Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason (Wiley Series in Agent Technology)
This book is all about a computer programming language called AgentSpeak, and a particular implementation of AgentSpeak called Jason. The AgentSpeak language is intended for developing multi-agent systems. Before we start to investigate how to program with AgentSpeak, it seems appropriate to try to understand in more detail what multi-agent systems...
Herb Schildt's Java Programming Cookbook
Herb Schildt's Java Programming Cookbook
Your Ultimate "How-To" Guide to Java Programming!

Legendary programming author Herb Schildt shares some of his favorite programming techniques in this high-powered Java "cookbook." Organized for quick reference, each recipe shows how to accomplish a practical programming task. A recipe begins with a list of...

Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experiences from ESERNET
Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experiences from ESERNET
Nowadays, societies crucially depend on high-quality software for a large part of their functionalities and activities. Therefore, software professionals, researchers, managers, and practitioners alike have to competently decide what software technologies and products to choose for which purpose.

For various reasons, systematic empirical...

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