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Geometric Algebra for Computer Science: An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry
Geometric Algebra for Computer Science: An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry
Geometric algebra is a powerful and practical framework for the representation and solution of geometrical problems. We believe it to be eminently suitable to those subfields of computer science in which such issues occur: computer graphics, robotics, and computer vision.We wrote this book to explain the basic structure of geometric algebra, and to...
MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Administration All-in-One Exam Guide
MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Administration All-in-One Exam Guide
With Microsoft support of SQL Server 2000 ending on April 8, 2008, the importance of SQL Server 2005 continues to increase. Watching job advertisements, I’m seeing more and more job openings for database administrators in general, and an increase in SQL Server 2005 listed in the desired skill set.

As the Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems
Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems

Biometrics technology continues to stride forward with its wider acceptance and its real need in various new security facets of modern society. From simply logging on to a laptop to crossing the border of a country, biometrics is being called upon to meet the growing challenges of identity management.

With contributions from academia and...

Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Semantics will have an important role to play in the future development of software systems and domain specific languages, and there is a real need for an introductory book that presents the fundamental ideas behind these approaches; stresses their relationship by formulating and proving the relevant theorems; and illustrates the applications of...
Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age (Texts in Computer Science)
Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age (Texts in Computer Science)
As I wrote in my second edition preface, since the publication of the second edition in 2003, there have been tremendous changes in the fields of computer science and information sciences. During this period, we have become more dependent on computer and telecommunication technology than ever before. As we, individually and as nations, become more...
Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition
Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition
The Linux operating system has become one of the major operating systems in use today, bringing to the PC all the power and flexibility of a Unix workstation as well as a complete set of Internet applications and a fully functional desktop interface. This book is designed not only to be a complete reference on Linux, but also to provide clear and...
Microsoft ®  Office 2007 Business Intelligence
Microsoft ® Office 2007 Business Intelligence
Microsoft Office has been the standard against which all other integrated office products have been measured since 1995. Throughout the years, we’ve watched Office, as everyone now knows it, go from being a somewhat simplistic word processor and spreadsheet to include capabilities such as desktop publishing, sophisticated e-mail and schedule...
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: A Beginner's Guide (Network Professional's Library)
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: A Beginner's Guide (Network Professional's Library)
After four years in the making, Exchange Server 2007 has finally arrived. It is not only a robust messaging platform that meets the needs of today’s Internet-savvy users, but also is one that has been architecturally improved to provide faster performance, better scalability, and an enhanced user experience.

Exchange 2007
Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts
Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts
Enterprise Java developers must achieve broader, deeper test coverage, going beyond unit testing to implement functional and integration testing with systematic acceptance. Next Generation Java Testing introduces breakthrough Java testing techniques and TestNG, a powerful open source Java testing...
Design, Automation, and Test in Europe: The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years DATE
Design, Automation, and Test in Europe: The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years DATE
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference celebrated in 2007 its tenth anniversary. As a tribute to the chip and system-level design and design technology community, this book presents a compilation of the three most influential papers of each year. This provides an excellent historical overview of the evolution of a domain that...
A Generative Theory of Shape (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2145)
A Generative Theory of Shape (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2145)
From the reviews:

"This book is intended for a general scientifically interested audience . The author develops a generative theory of shape along two principles fundamental to intelligence maximization of transfer and maximization of recoverability. He proceeds by using an algebraically flavoured approach characterizing features as...

Attention: From Theory to Practice (Series in Human-Technology Interaction)
Attention: From Theory to Practice (Series in Human-Technology Interaction)
The study of attention in the laboratory has been crucial to understanding the mechanisms that support several different facets of attentional processing: Our ability to both divide attention among multiple tasks and stimuli, and selectively focus it on task-relevant information, while ignoring distracting task-irrelevant information, as well as...
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