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Spatial Cognition V: Reasoning, Action, Interaction (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Spatial Cognition V: Reasoning, Action, Interaction (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This is the fifth volume in a series of book publications featuring basic interdisciplinary research in spatial cognition. The study of spatial cognition is the study of knowledge about spatial properties of objects and events in the world. Spatial properties include location, size, distance, direction, separation and connection, shape, pattern,...
The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period: Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server
The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period: Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server
Server Sprawl and escalating IT costs have managers and system administrators scrambling to find ways to cut costs and reduce Total Cost of Ownership of their physical infrastructure. Combining software applications onto a single server, even if those applications are from the same software vendor, can be dangerous and problems hard to...
Information Access through Search Engines and Digital Libraries (The Information Retrieval Series)
Information Access through Search Engines and Digital Libraries (The Information Retrieval Series)
The Information Management Systems group at the University of Padua, led by Maristella Agosti, has been a major contributor to information retrieval (IR) and digital libraries for nearly twenty years. This group has gained an excellent reputation in the IR community and has produced some of the best-known IR researchers, whose work spans a broad...
Pro SharePoint 2007 Development Techniques
Pro SharePoint 2007 Development Techniques
The landscape of doing SharePoint development has changed considerably in the last year, with the release of SharePoint Server 2007 and its related technologies. You need a contemporary reference to stay on top of the latest ways to combine .NET development techniques with your SharePoint development techniques, and SharePoint 2007 Development...
Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP
Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP
Want to assert yourself as a cutting-edge PHP web developer? Take a practical approach, learning by example from author Quentin Zervaas, and discover how to bring together the many technologies needed to create a successful, modern web application.

In Practical PHP Web 2.0 Applications, PHP, MySQL, CSS, XHTML, and...

Creating Assertion-Based IP (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Creating Assertion-Based IP (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Assertion-based IP is much more than a comprehensive set of related assertions. It is a full-fledged reusable and configurable transaction-level verification component, which is used to detect both interesting and incorrect behaviors. Upon detecting interesting or incorrect behavior, the assertion-based IP alerts other verification components...
Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Technical Reference
Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Technical Reference
With its state-of-the-art capabilities for rapidly processing and retrieving huge quantities of data, Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 is quickly growing in popularity among large corporations. But learning how to take advantage of the powerful, built-in data-mining services in SQL Server to turn all that data into meaningful information takes time...
Building a Server with FreeBSD 7
Building a Server with FreeBSD 7
The most difficult aspect of building a server (to act as a file server, Web server, or mail server) is the initial software installation and configuration. Getting your hands on the software is one thing; getting it all to function is another thing entirely. For many people, the only option is to hire an expensive consultant. Building a Server...
The Book of PF: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall
The Book of PF: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall

OpenBSD's stateful packet filter, PF, offers an amazing feature set and support across the major BSD platforms. Like most firewall software though, unlocking PF's full potential takes a good teacher. Peter N.M. Hansteen's PF website and conference tutorials have helped thousands of users build the networks they need using PF....

Service-Oriented Architecture: SOA  Strategy, Methodology, and Technology
Service-Oriented Architecture: SOA Strategy, Methodology, and Technology
Aggressively being adopted by organizations in all markets, service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a framework enabling business process improvement for gaining competitive advantage. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Strategy, Methodology, and Technology guides you through the challenges of deploying SOA. It demonstrates conclusively that...
Insider Computer Fraud: An In-depth Framework for Detecting and Defending against Insider IT Attacks
Insider Computer Fraud: An In-depth Framework for Detecting and Defending against Insider IT Attacks
An organizations employees are often more intimate with its computer system than anyone else. Many also have access to sensitive information regarding the company and its customers. This makes employees prime candidates for sabotaging a system if they become disgruntled or for selling privileged information if they become greedy. Insider...
Do-All Computing in Distributed Systems: Cooperation in the Presence of Adversity
Do-All Computing in Distributed Systems: Cooperation in the Presence of Adversity
Do-All Computing for Distributed Systems: Cooperation in the Presence of Adversity studies algorithmic issues associated with cooperative execution of multiple independent tasks by distributed computing agents including partitionable networks.

Recent results have shed light on the understanding of how adversity affects...

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