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Ten Years of Images from Circulation
Ten Years of Images from Circulation
This book contains over 400 of the best images from the ten years that Dr. Willerson served as Editor of Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Association and the leading cardiovascular journal worldwide. Each of the excellent pictures from the journal's highly popular Images in Cardiovascular Medicine is accompanied by a short two- to...
Learning Python, 3rd Edition
Learning Python, 3rd Edition

Portable, powerful, and a breeze to use, Python is ideal for both standalone programs and scripting applications. With this hands-on book, you can master the fundamentals of the core Python language quickly and efficiently, whether you're new to programming or just new to Python. Once you finish, you will know enough about the language to...

Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide (Monographs in Computer Science)
Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide (Monographs in Computer Science)
Parsing, also referred to as syntax analysis, has been and continues to be an essential part of computer science and linguistics. Today, parsing techniques are also implemented in a number of other disciplines, including but not limited to, document preparation and conversion, typesetting chemical formulae, and chromosome recognition.


Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: For Pentium and RISC Processors (Texts in Computer Science)
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: For Pentium and RISC Processors (Texts in Computer Science)
Assembly language continues to hold a core position in the programming world because of its similar structure to machine language and its very close links to underlying computer-processor architecture and design. These features allow for high processing speed, low memory demands, and the capacity to act directly on the system's hardware. This...
Economics of Identity Theft: Avoidance, Causes and Possible Cures
Economics of Identity Theft: Avoidance, Causes and Possible Cures
Today, identity is more than anything, economic. The technology used to create, utilize and protect identities is increasingly ill-matched to the economics and uses of identities. Identity theft is the misuse of private authenticating information to steal money. Protecting identity requires privacy. Proving identity requires exposing information....
This tutorial guide for anyone wanting to start building Service-Oriented Architecture applications using powerful, free tools explains in detail how to build and deploy them by creating Web Services with PHP, combining them into SOAs with WS-BPEL using free ActiveBPEL Designer, and deploying composite WS-BPEL-based orchestrations to the...
How Computers Work (How It Works Series)
How Computers Work (How It Works Series)
How Computers Work is the premier four-color guide to PCs. Using hundreds of pages of detailed, color drawings, How Computers Work, not only tells, but shows readers everything from how a signal travels through a circuit to why your game c -With more than 600,000 copies sold, How Computers Work is the classic graphic reference with four color...
How to Cheat at Deploying and Securing RFID
How to Cheat at Deploying and Securing RFID
RFID is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that receive and respond to transmissions from RFID transmitters. RFID tags are used to identify and track everything from Exxon EZ pass to dogs to beer kegs to library books.

For security
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference
The fourth edition of this popular pocket guide provides quick-reference information that will help you use Oracle's PL/SQL language, including the newest Oracle Database 11g features. It's a companion to Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl's bestselling Oracle PL/SQL Programming.

This concise guide boils down the most vital
jQuery Reference Guide
jQuery Reference Guide
This detailed reference guide to jQuery, an open-source JavaScript library that shields web developers from browser inconsistencies, simplifies adding dynamic, interactive elements, and reduces development time, covers the syntax of every jQuery method, function, and selector with detailed discussions to help readers get the most from jQuery. After...
Manual of Obstetrics (Spiral Manual Series)
Manual of Obstetrics (Spiral Manual Series)
The seventh edition of the Manual of Obstetrics is the first without the authorship and editorial guidance of Dr. Ken Niswander. It was Dr. Niswander who created the Manual of Obstetrics in 1980 and served as the sole editor for the first three editions. For the fourth edition,...
The Web Resource Space Model (Web Information Systems Engineering and Internet Technologies Book Series)
The Web Resource Space Model (Web Information Systems Engineering and Internet Technologies Book Series)
Classifying objects into categories at different granularity levels, establishing links between known objects, and discovering clues between known and unknown objects are essential for new-generation semantic data models. This book introduces the Resource Space Model (RSM), which effectively organizes and correctly manages resources by normalizing...
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