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Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation
Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation
Whether you are an experienced Flash designer or developer looking for a guide to doing animation in Flash, or a novice to Flash who is looking for an effective way to create and distribute animations, this book will prove invaluable to you. Covering every aspect of Flash animation, the book is a fast-paced yet thorough review of the Flash...
Analysis and Synthesis of Logics: How to Cut and Paste Reasoning Systems (Applied Logic Series)
Analysis and Synthesis of Logics: How to Cut and Paste Reasoning Systems (Applied Logic Series)
Starting with simple examples showing the relevance of cutting and pasting logics, the monograph develops a mathematical theory of combining and decomposing logics, ranging from propositional and first-order based logics to higher-order based logics as well as to non-truth functional logics. The theory covers mechanisms for combining semantic...
Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology
Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology
This volume presents proceedings from the 19th IFIP World Computer Congress in Santiago, Chile. The proceedings of the World Computer Congress are a product of the gathering of 2,000 delegates from more than 70 countries to discuss a myriad of topics in the ICT domain. Of particular note, this marks the first time that a World Computer Congress has...
Principles of Data Mining (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Principles of Data Mining (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Data Mining, the automatic extraction of implicit and potentially useful information from data, is increasingly used in commercial, scientific and other application areas.

This book explains and explores the principal techniques of Data Mining: for classification, generation of association rules and clustering. It is written for readers without...

Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications presents the state of the art approaches for obtaining a correct and complete Web software product from conceptual schemas, represented via well-known design notations.

Describing mature and consolidated approaches to developing complex applications, this edited volume is divided into...

Maple and Mathematica: A Problem Solving Approach for Mathematics
Maple and Mathematica: A Problem Solving Approach for Mathematics
This book compares the two computer algebra programs, Maple and Mathematica used by students, mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.

Structured by presenting both systems in parallel, Mathematicas users can learn Maple quickly by finding the Maple equivalent to Mathematica functions, and vice versa.

This student reference handbook...

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation provides an in-depth examination of the tasks involved in planning, designing and deploying SharePoint in your enterprise. SharePoint 2007 significantly extends the breadth of capabilities for end users, administrators, developers, and designers. The cutting-edge...
Create!: The No Nonsense Guide to Photoshop Elements 2
Create!: The No Nonsense Guide to Photoshop Elements 2
Because Your Computer Should Improve Your Life, Not Complicate It

No Nonsense Guides are here. With a plainspoken approach, these books are inexpensive starters that are light on idle chat and heavy on practical advice. They're lean and mean and stripped down to fighting weight, so you'll get from point A to point Z with instruction...

From Object-Orientation to Formal Methods: Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
From Object-Orientation to Formal Methods: Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This book is dedicated to the memory of Ole-Johan Dahl who passed away in June 2002 at the age of 70, shortly after he had received, together with his colleague Kristen Nygaard, the ACM Alan M. Turing Award:

"For ideas fundamental to the emergence of object-oriented programming, through their design of the programming languages Simula I...

Generic Programming: Advanced Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Generic Programming: Advanced Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Generic programming attempts to make programming more efficient by making it more general. This book is devoted to a novel form of genericity in programs, based on parameterizing programs by the structure of the data they manipulate.

The book presents the following four revised and extended chapters first given as lectures at the Generic...

Managing IP Networks: Challenges and Opportunities (IEEE Press Series on Network Management)
Managing IP Networks: Challenges and Opportunities (IEEE Press Series on Network Management)

An essential resource on the future of IP networks

Everyone agrees that Internet Protocol (IP) has played and will play a major role in the evolution of networks and services. The exact nature and scope of that role, however, remains a point of discussion. Assembling the foremost experts in their respective fields, editors Salah...

Requirements Management Using IBM(R) Rational(R) RequisitePro(R)
Requirements Management Using IBM(R) Rational(R) RequisitePro(R)
Optimize Your Entire Requirements Process–and Use Requirements to Build More Successful Software


Using IBM® Rational® RequisitePro®, you can systematically improve the way you create and maintain requirements–and use those requirements to build...

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