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PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
This practical tutorial has detailed, carefully explained case studies using PHP to build new, effective mashup applications, which combine data from multiple external online sources into an integrated Web 2.0 experience. If you are confident with PHP programming and interested in mashing things up, this book is for you! All you need to know about...
Digital Logic Design, Fourth Edition
Digital Logic Design, Fourth Edition
Brian Holdsworth's Digital Logic Design is a well established undergraduate text on digital systems - offering full coverage of the field for first and second year modules and HND units. It has also proved popular in industry as a reference text.

Clive Woods has fully revised the text to cover all the latest developments in the field
Patterns in Network Architecture: A Return to Fundamentals
Patterns in Network Architecture: A Return to Fundamentals
Groundbreaking Patterns for Building Simpler, More Powerful Networks


In Patterns in Network Architecture, pioneer John Day takes a unique approach to solving the problem of network architecture. Piercing the fog of history, he bridges the gap between our experience from the...

How to Cheat at Configuring VmWare ESX Server
How to Cheat at Configuring VmWare ESX Server
This book will detail the default and custom installation of VMwares ESX server as well as basic and advanced virtual machine configurations. It will then walk the reader through post installation configurations including installation and configuration of VirtualCenter. From here, readers will learn to efficiently create and deploy virtual machine...
Open Source Fuzzing Tools
Open Source Fuzzing Tools
A "fuzzer" is a program that attempts to discover security vulnerabilities by sending random data to an application. If that application crashes, then it has deffects to correct. Security professionals and web developers can use fuzzing for software testing--checking their own programs for problems--before hackers do it!


Professional Plone Development
Professional Plone Development
This book teaches Plone development best practices, focusing on Plone 3.0. It covers setting up a development environment, customizing Plone's look and feel, creating new content types and forms, connecting to external databases, managing users and groups intelligently, configuring a production-ready server, LDAP authentication, and caching. Aimed...
Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using Open Source Tools-Second Edition, Second Edition
Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using Open Source Tools-Second Edition, Second Edition
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (officially titled the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002), signed into law on 30 July 2002 by President Bush, is considered the most significant change to federal securities laws in the United States since the New Deal. It came in the wake of a series of corporate financial scandals,...
Practical IDL Programming
Practical IDL Programming
his book provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of programming in Interactive Data Language (IDL), an array-oriented data analysis and visualization environment developed and marketed by Research Systems, Incorporated (RSI) of Boulder, Colorado. IDL is available for Windows, MacOS, UNIX (including Linux), and VMS platforms.

A Brief History of Computing
A Brief History of Computing
The history of computing has its origins at the outset of civilization. As towns and communities evolved there was a need for increasingly sophisticated calculations. This book traces the evolution of computation, from early civilisations 3000 B.C. to the latest key developments in modern times.

This useful and lively text provides a...

Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++
Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++
A visual, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems in numerical methods

Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++ fills the need for a complete, authoritative book on the visual solutions to problems in numerical methods using C++. In an age of boundless research, there is a need for a programming language that can successfully...

Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development)
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development)

The Insider's Best-Practice Guide to Rapid PyQt 4 GUI Development

Whether you're building GUI prototypes or full-fledged cross-platform GUI applications with native look-and-feel, PyQt 4 is your fastest, easiest, most powerful solution. Qt expert Mark Summerfield has written the definitive best-practice guide to PyQt 4...

Internet Multimedia Communications Using SIP: A Modern Approach Including Java® Practice
Internet Multimedia Communications Using SIP: A Modern Approach Including Java® Practice
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) was conceived in 1996 as a signaling protocol for inviting users to multimedia conferences. With this development, the next big Internet revolution silently started. That was the revolution which would end up converting the Internet into a total communication system which would allow people to talk to each other,...
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