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E-Business Innovation and Change Management
E-Business Innovation and Change Management
Demonstrating how organizations around the world are capitalizing on new technologies such as the Internet and the World Wide Web to develop e-business, this book shows how evolving e-business models, integrated solutions, and improved technological infrastructure are continuously changing the way business is conducted. This discusses the ways in...
Software Evolution With UML and XML
Software Evolution With UML and XML
Software Evolution with UML and XML provides a forum where expert insights are presented on the subject of linking three current phenomena: software evolution, UML and XML. Software evolution and reengineering are a real problem in the software industry

About the Author

Hongji Yang is currently
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance addresses the recent developments of systems maintenance research and practices ranging from technicality of systems evolution to managerial aspects of the topic. It includes very contemporary issues such as evolving legacy systems to e-business, applying patterns for reengineering...
Wiley Not-For-Profit Accounting Field Guide, 2003
Wiley Not-For-Profit Accounting Field Guide, 2003
An Easy-to-Read Pocket Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting

Here is a quick reference to the unique accounting and financial reporting issues affecting not-for-profit organizations today. Portable and designed to fit easily into your briefcase or pocket, it is written in the active voice and covers the gamut of fundamental GAAP accounting...

Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application
Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application
The modern field of software metrics emerged from the computer modeling and "statistical thinking" services of the 1980s. As the field evolved, metrics programs were integrated with project management, and metrics grew to be a major tool in the managerial decision-making process of software companies. Now practitioners in the software...
Embedded Systems Dictionary
Embedded Systems Dictionary

This authoritative work defines the meaning and usage of 2,800 of the most-used terms in embedded systems in a way that serves technical and non-technical audiences alike. The primary definition is a concise statement of that term’s meaning tailored to the needs of less technical readers. Engineers, technical writers, and others will find...

Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline
Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline

Positive Organizational Scholarship is a path-breaking scholarly volume exploring the dynamics in organizations that lead to extraordinary individual and organizational performance.

Just as positive psychology focuses on exploring optimal individual psychological states rather than pathological ones, Positive Organizational...

The Serving Leader: 5 Powerful Actions That Will Transform Your Team, Your Business, and Your Community (Ken Blanchard)
The Serving Leader: 5 Powerful Actions That Will Transform Your Team, Your Business, and Your Community (Ken Blanchard)

At a time of increasing concern about ethics at the top, The Serving Leader makes the case for an approach to leadership that is both more moral and more effective than the ruthless, anything-for-the-bottom-line approach that has brought disgrace—and often ruin—to many once-mighty organizations.

The Serving...

Ideas are Free: How the Idea Revolution is Liberating People and Transforming Organizations
Ideas are Free: How the Idea Revolution is Liberating People and Transforming Organizations

The fact is, because they’re the ones doing the day-to-day work, front-line employees see a great many problems and opportunities that their managers don’t. But most organizations do very poorly at tapping into this extraordinary potential source of revenue-enhancing and savings-generated ideas.

Drawing on extensive research...

Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance
Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance

The adage “knowledge is power” is widely accepted in corporate circles and tremendous amounts of data have and are being accumulated towards the goal of acquiring more knowledge. But corporations are increasingly realizing that there is a wide gap between “data” and “knowledge.” Data warehousing and data...

The The Human Heart: A Basic Guide to Heart Disease
The The Human Heart: A Basic Guide to Heart Disease
This book began as a handbook for cardiac patients. It's now been used by coronary-intensive-care nurses, paramedics, emergency-room personnel, family practitioners, hospitalists, pharamaceutical companies, and others.
It can't be that simple!
Shape Understanding System: The First Steps toward the Visual Thinking Machines (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Shape Understanding System: The First Steps toward the Visual Thinking Machines (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
This book presents the results of the research in one of the most complex and difficult areas of research such as research in the areas of thinking and understanding. This research that is carried out in the newly founded Queen Jadwiga Research Institute of Understanding www.qjfpl.org/QJRIU/ Eng/Eng–QJRIU–PO–O.htm is focused on...
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